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Wooyoung couldn't focus on his task. For the last few days, his every thought have been filled with the memory of what happened at the shrink's office; the smell of lavender and peaches that emanated from the man he bumped into was stuck in his lungs. Once again, he found himself eager to go back and finally see his face. Who was this guy? Was he like he imagined, young and terribly handsome, or was it another freak who just got out of rehab? Something about him was just so attractive, maybe it was the fact that this whole situation, this whole mystery was kind of turning him on. After all, the only thing he could see back then was his hair, almost white. He looked so pure.

A gentle tap on his shoulder got him to leave his daydreaming as he turned around to face the person responsible.

- Sorry young man, but I need sugar.

Wooyoung stared at the old woman, confused, before realizing he was blocking the way.

- Oh, I'm so sorry!

He flashed a big smile to which the woman responded by patting his shoulder. He took the bag of sugar from the shelf and gave it to her, not forgetting to lean forward afterwards to apologize once again.

Wooyoung had always been a very polite person, and moments like these had the effect of warming his heart. "Old people are so cute", he thought, before getting back to work. He was seriously late on everything, and it could become a bigger problem if anyone was to complain about it.

- Wooyoung, wait!

He jumped before turning around. His colleague was running to him, his shirt wide open on a withe tank top. Honestly, the guy was quite hot, not exactly his type but he thought he could make an exception for his very thin waist and those insanely thick lips. As he got to his level, Wooyoung had no choice but to look up, the other being way too tall for him.

- Are you okay? You're lucky I finished earlier, I wouldn't have been able to help you otherwise!

- Yeah, thanks about that by the way.

- No but seriously, did something happen? You look like shit.

- Oh well, thanks for that I guess, he chuckled before pulling himself together. No but seriously, I'm fine Seonghwa.

- I'm here if you need anything. We're not close or whatever, but you know.

- What do you mean? We're friends!

Seonghwa had no choice but to smile widely at the youngest's remark. He liked this guy, they had been working together for a few months now and he had to admit his good mood was infectious. After a soft tap on his friend's arm, Wooyoung turned around for the last time, finally going home after this terribly long day. All he could think about now was the hot bath he was going to jump into, and his stranger. At this thought, he smiled like an idiot and unconsciously bit his lip. He was really obsessed with this guy, and he knew it wasn't good.


As soon as he opened the door, a pillow went flying in his face, causing him to stumble and fall on his ass. He looked up to see his roommate red with anger, clenched fists, ready to burst.

- ...Sannie?


Suddenly, he knew he was screwed. He tried a poor excuse, simply saying "I'm sorry?" before seeing his life flash before his eyes. Hopefully, he was quick enough to avoid San diving towards him and he started running in the whole apartment. They looked like a lion running after his prey, and to be honest, Wooyoung wasn't sure his fate would be happier than the poor gazelle's. After jumping above the couch and teasing his best friend from the kitchen, he finally made it safely to his room, making sure to lock the door behind him before sighing in relief. He was used to this kind of situation by now, and he must have expected it when he ate San's chicken. But he was so hungry, what other choice did he have?

He didn't give in to the temptation to jump on his bed and fall asleep and headed straight to his bathroom, running himself a bath. He couldn't stop thinking about his little brother and resisted the urge to call his parents to ask how he was doing. He was still mad at them for forcing him to go see a therapist, so he told them he would put some distance between them. He got a grip on his thoughts before he would start crying and started undressing. As soon as the water touched his body, he relaxed and forgot about everything. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, he sunk his head under the water, shutting himself to the world around him. Under his closed eyes, figures started dancing together, touching and swaying, sounds of their moans filling the air. It seemed to him that the show went on for several long minutes until the shapes began getting clearer, blonde strands of hair reflecting the light.

He quickly emerged from the water before opening the cold water. Come on dude, what was that about?


- Wake up, the eggs are burning.

Wooyoung quickly turned off the fire under the pan before letting a heavy sigh pass his lips. His mysterious stranger just cost him his breakfast, he better be worth it.

- Are you finally gonna tell me what you've been thinking about so intensely for the last few days?

- What?

- Come one dude. The others noticed it, you don't talk as much as you used to. Did something happen during your appointment?

Somehow, a hint of hope resonated in San's question, but Wooyoung didn't pay that much attention. He knew his best friend would listen to anything he was willing to tell him, but he was worried he would find this situation ridiculous. San had a habit of taking everything lightly, something that never really bothered him before, but now, he needed a serious conversation. He then chose the safest option, and decided not to say anything.

- Don't worry about it. I'm just a bit tired with work and all, but I'm fine.

He didn't forget his exaggerated smile, hoping his friend would leave him be, which seemed to work perfectly.

- Are you sure you're up to see Mingi and Jongho today then? I can just go and tell them you needed to rest.

- Dude, seriously? I won't miss on another opportunity to literally ruin you at bowling, I'm going to make you beg for mercy.

- Oh really? Come here dickhead! COME BACK YOU ASSHOLE.

Once more, Wooyoung ran away from San. However, this time, he ended up falling face down on the floor, San laughing his ass off as he walked away.

1145 words.

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