Devil May Cry 3 - Screaming Souls

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The Unsacred Gate of the Demon Realm. Ivory pillars buried like trees in the ground, river flowing endlessly into oblivion. The Home of The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda and his tribe. A place that linked both the Demonic realm and the Human World, as long as the amulet had been fused. The portal churning and bubbling far in the distance, threatened its instability, the path closing forever.

"Come on get up, you can do better than that!" Dante's voice echoed. Around his neck his mother's amulet hung.

Groaning in pain, Vergil forced himself to stand up, summoning what strength was left. Around his left hand his father's amulet was wrapped. "The portal to the Human World is closing Dante... Because the amulets have been separated."

"Let's finish this Vergil. I have to stop you, even if that means killing you."

Dante held The Rebellion out, water flowing over his boots. His leather coat torn and damaged from countless battles. Vergil held The Force-Edge, the Yamato at his side eyes glaring at his brother. The two had fought to this stand still yet again, a sick battle of blood that had started in childhood, now both stood in the way of what the other wanted. Power vs protection, light vs dark, human vs demon.

Dante had come here out of a desire to fight his kin, to take revenge on the demons that had plague his life. Vergil had come for power and to claim his birthright. He had tried to give Dante a taste of that power, to awaken the demon in him. But Dante had changed. What was that stern look in his eye?

Vergil however felt the same rage, the same powerlessness. This blade, his father's blade was heavy in his hand, wasn't him. He hadn't earned this yet. He slowly slid the blade on his back and drew up the Yamato. The katana comfortable in his hand.

The two ran at full speed, one last charge, all on the line. Dante gripped the Rebellion, its dark demonic powers masked by the gleam of the light. Vergil clicked the Yamato out of its sheath, darkness flowing.
The cry of the brothers echoed across the Demon Realm. In an instant flash of blades and blood, the amulet fell into the water.

Dante stumbled back; Rebellion flying into the void. He bent down to pick up the chain, but realized his hand, no his arm... was no longer there. Vergil took a step towards him, the Yamato could have split Dante in half. Had Vergil truly missed, or had he spared his only family left to him? He wasn't sure himself.

"Give that to me..." Vergil demanded coming towards his brother.

Dante scooped up the amulet with his one hand and walked backwards. His pale face was smiling as he watched Vergil.

"It's just a flesh wound... haha.. You never had the heart to do it!" Dante laughed. "This is mine, it belongs to A Son Of Sparda."

"GIVE THAT TO ME!!" Vergil demanded, raising the Yamato high. "I'll cut off every limb if I have to!"

Dante tossed the amulet into the air, stopping the katana with a turquoise blade. Rudra wrapped the twins in a typhoon. Vergil with both hands swung, parting the air itself around them. He missed Dante's face by inches, white hair splitting on the Yamato's impossibly sharp blade. Vergil's eyes darted from Dante to see the Rebellion before it slammed into him. The blade caught him, carrying him out over the cliff.

The portal crackled behind them, a glowing mass of clouds and lightning. Vergil twisted in midair to grab the Rebellion with both hands, drawing the blade from his chest. With electricity and bats twisted into a vortex around him, Dante transformed into a glowing red devil. Leaping after his brother, they both were moving towards the glowing portal.

Vergil steady himself, wind and electricity spiraling all around him. The Force-Edge flew off his back and was sucked into the nothingness. For an instant, he saw the winged figure of Dante slam into him. He lost the Yamato, claws digging into his wrist. Vergil stared face to face with Dante's demonic image. Using what strength he had left, Vergil slammed the Rebellion into Dante's gut, only to be hit square in the face by a glowing white fist.

Trading their final blows, Vergil's vision went black. For a moment he felt himself being pulled and in another himself falling. Gravity shifted and the demonic air became easier to breathe. He was in free fall, night air around him. As Vergil's vision returned, he saw the giant moon above them and crashed into the hard stone of the Temen-ni-gru.

Vergil lay broken, the Yamato and Force-Edge laying on the cold stone beside him. He breathed heavy; his amulet cold against his chest. The night air chill blew across him, as his bones mended themselves. He sat up, hair covering his face and slammed his fist into the stone.

"NO; DANTE! IT WAS MINE! IT WAS MINE!!!" Vergil beat his fist into the ground over and over, shattering stone until it was marked with his blood.

"Is it over?" a voice called. "Dante?"

Vergil looked at the woman coming towards him. Arkham's daughter, the one who's blood had mixed with theirs to open a way into the Dark Realm was staring at him. Anger flooding her face with hate.

"Vergil?! Where's Dante!? IS HE..." she shouted, pulling out her handgun.

Above them, the portal let out a horrific moan and sealed. Leaving only the blackness of night and the lights of the city below.

"Dante lives..." Vergil said trembling with rage. His hands were shaking as he grabbed his Father's blades. Lady took a step back, gun still aimed at him. "Put that away woman... The tower will soon begin to retract."

"He's trapped in there! You have to reopen the portal!" Lady yelled at him. "Dante is your brother! SAVE HIM!!!"

Vergil walked to the edge of the tower looking down at his half of the amulet. "I'll find him. And when I do, I'll take what's mine."

"He hadn't given up on you!" Lady called after him, but Vergil had already leapt off. Leaving her there, alone with the night.

Dante sat in a red pool. For some time, he wondered if it was blood and what any of this place meant. Around him was broken ivory pillars, statues, and ruins. In the distance was only more red and white endlessly in the blackness that was the Demon Realm.

"Well, isn't this just a whole lot of nothing?" Dante asked to the void around him.

"Sparda..." a voice boomed in the dark. Three glowing orbs appeared in the sky, crackling with an unknowable power.

"Hey, I don't know if you could give me a hand? I seem to be missing mine," Dante called out. He grabbed the Rebellion and pointed it towards the evil emanating out from the sky. "Or not."

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