Chapter 1

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Me: Who would like to go first?

Natsu: I would like to go first.

Me: Okay! So Natsu truth or dare?

Natsu: Truth! 

Me: Who is your favorite guild member?

Natsu: Huh! Lucy is my favorite guild member because she strong ,fights for friends and family.

Lucy: Thanks Natsu!

Natsu: Your welcome Lucy!

Me: Who next!

Freed: I'll go next.

Me: Okay, Freed truth or dare?

Freed: Truth because I want stay on the safe side.

Me: Kay! Name one thing you like about Team Natsu?

Freed: Okay, one thing I like Team Natsu is their determination.

Team Natsu: Thanks for the compliment!

Me: Freed please pick the next person?

Freed: Huh! Why do want me to pick the next person?

Me: Cause you are my favorite person!

Freed: Aww thanks Snowfire. Also I pick Laxus.

Me: Kay! Laxus truth or dare? 

*Me having evil smile on my face*

Laxus: Truth because of the evil smile on your face.

Me:  What is favorite thing about Freed?

Laxus: Huh! My favorite thing about Freed is his loyalty.

*Freed with light blush on his face.* 

Me: Freed please pick the next person.

Freed: Kay, Lucy you go next.

Me: Lucy truth or dare?

Lucy: Dare cause why not.

Me: I dare you to Bitch slap Laxus!

Lucy: Say what now.


Laxus: I have no choice do I.

Me: No, Laxus you do not have a choice.

*Lucy walk up to Laxus and bitch slap him.*

Lucy: I am so sorry Laxus.

Laxus: It fine cause it was dare so I am not upset about it.

Me: Freed please pick the next person.

Freed: Midnight you will go next.

 Midnight: Fine. I rather sleep.

Me: Midnight truth or dare ?

 Midnight: Dare so I can go back sleep.

Me: I Dare to sit Cobra lap until I say so.

*Midnight blushing crazy*

 Midnight: Fine I will do the dare just because I want sleep.

* Midnight walk over to Cobra and sat on his lap.*

Me: Freed please pick the next person.

Freed: Cobra you will go next.

Cobra: Okay

Me: Cobra truth or dare?

Cobra: Truth cause I can't move.

Me: Cobra what is your favorite thing in your free time?

Cobra: My favorite thing in my free time is hangout with Midnight.

Me: Freed please pick the next person.

Freed: Gray will go next.

Me: Gray truth or dare? 

Fairy tail (truth or dare)Where stories live. Discover now