Chapter 6

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Me: Yes, Sting and Rouge please choose two people.

Stingue: Okay, We choose Gray, Natsu and truth

Me: Ok, Gray , Natsu since Sting and Rouge choose Truth. So the question is Who is your crush?

* Gratsu faces were red as Erza hair*

Me: Both have to be Honest because if not I will let  Erza Bitch slap both of you.

* Gratsu looked at me and see me with a serious face*

Erza: Good! 

* Gray face was red as Erza hair*

Gray: M-My crush is Natsu.

All Dragon Slayers(Gratsu): OH MY GOD I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!

* Natsu face was red as Erza hair*

Natsu: M-My crush is Gray.

All Dragon Slayers(Gratsu): OH MY GOD I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!

*Natsu walked up to Gray and kissed him*

Gray: Natsu do want to be my boyfriend?

Natsu: Y-Yes

*Gray kissed Natsu and hugged him*

Me(Freed, levy, and Lucy): MY SHIP HAS SAIL!!

Everyone(except Me, Freed, Levy, and Lucy):  WE AGREE WITH THIS FOUR!!

Gratsu: Are you guys okay?

Everyone(Me, Freed, Levy, and Lucy): Yes we are but we have be shipping you two for the longest time.

Gratsu: Okay.

Me : * Four down three more to go*  

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