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Me: Ok, Cobra and Midnight it is your turn then all of get go home.

MidCo: Okay, We choose truth.

Me: Okay, What is your true feelings towards each other?

* MidCo faces were red as Erza hair*

Me: Both have to answer because if not I will let Natsu Bitch slap Cobra for posioning him and Erza will slap so hard not even Jellal can stop her.

* MidCo looked at me and see me with a serious face*

MidCo: Okay.

Natsu: Okay!

Erza: Okay!

Cobra: Midnight, I have been in love with you since we were in Oracion Seis. Also will you be my Boyfriend?

Midnight: I also have been in love you since we were in Oracion Seis and yes I will be your Boyfriend.

Me : Well, Thanks for play truth or dare. Also the one reason I did this cause I sense the Slayers were bottling their feelings and not expressing them. Cause them hiding their feelings and hoping they die along with their feelings.  So have go through rejection and feel the pain of rejection.

*All Dragon Slayers look down at floor.*

Dragon Slayer Lovers: Guys we never rejected you because we love everything about you.

* All Dragon Slayers go to their lover and kiss them*

Me: *Teleport them back to their homes*

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