Rider. dude. wHY YOU SO GENDER

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-Rider is just fuckin GENDER AS SHIT. I wanna steal his gender

-He's gay, and asexual. Also trans ftm

-He kinda likes wearing feminine stuff cause like. He's confident in his masculinity, they're just clothes, and he knows a lot of strong women so he's not really ashamed in it.

-His jacket used to belong to his mom. He wore it since he was a kid and only took it off to wash it. It's a big comfort item of his and he panics when he can't find it.

-Has PTSD from the metro. Also a sanitization scar.

-He's a giant squid. So, he the biggest boy. He's very tall and also very VERY muscular. He's like... at LEAST 7 feet tall aND THATS SHORT FOR GIANT INKLINGS

-The reason for this is he's half firefly squid. Only half- his bioluminescent spots are on his fingertips and dotting his face like freckles but that's it.

-Rider has big arms to hug all his friends. Also he will curl up around Goggles when they're cuddling. Goggles has dubbed this "The Boyf Cocoon" though Rider will also do this to Army, platonically

-He's just an oversized teddy bear sometimes.

-So like. his normal speaking voice is really deep but he has a very big singing range

-He has hit whistle notes and hOLY SHIT HE GOOD

-Also he's Australian and i dont make the rules

-Very good friends with Army. Maybe they in a qpr but are okay with dating other people at the same time?

-Gogs and Aloha are okay with this. Goggles cause he's in a qpr poly with the rest of the blue team and Aloha's not about to accuse Army of cheating cause qprs and romantic relationships are not the same

-So. QPR Armrai but romantic alarmy and gorai

-Rider gets nightmares frequently. Big oof.

-Update (8/11/22) Rider is in a polycule with goggles and hachi

-(2/4/23) GET UPDATE SPAMMED LOSER (affectionate)

-Second youngest of 5 siblings. In order of oldest to youngest: Cherry, Lucia, Adam, Rider, and Kai. Their first initials spell out their last name-Clark

-Plays bass in Cherry's band. To be fair, it's really just Cherry and Rider as a musical duet, but their tour band is always the same so it is kinda a band. I dont have the name yet- im thinking of The Cherri Bombs but i want to somehow include rider in the name. i need ideas

-Said band's music genre is like. Indie pop-rock (like lovejoy and mother mother) mixed with extra bisexuality. While Cherry is a lesbian and Rider is a gay man, often times one will cover the other's song to mlm/wlw. And unless it's explicitly about something in their life, pronouns for the singer are left vague, so there's something for everyone

-He hooked up with Emperor exactly one time and they never talk about it. (however, partners do know they had done it mainly so there's transparency in relationships)

-Is actually a bottom. Maybe a bit more of a bossy/power bottom but he's a bottom.

-Has very shitty separation anxiety and is touch-starved. poor buddy

-Autism, and PTSD from the metro and slight parental neglect. The PTSD is diagnosed, the autism isn't

-Essentially when Rider was the youngest of the family, he was doted on by his siblings and his mother- his dad he was never really close too. When Kai was born, there were some complications and while Kai survived, Rider's mom died a few days later.

-Lucia, Adam, and his dad all focused on making sure Kai was alright. They almost always forgot about Rider. Cherry didn't- and instead became the support he needed in his life (for context- Rider was 5 then and Cherry was 15)

-As much as he loved his sister, she was no replacement for parents. And when Rider grew up and got his PTSD diagnosis from that neglect, Lucia and Adam were very apologetic- and Rider didn't blame them. But he cut contact with his dad. He's good friends with Kai though

-But, as a result, Rider has a MAJOR fear of abandonment. He also has a very hard time parting with his jacket as it's the last thing he has to remember his mom. But, he's finally getting the therapy he needs and Goggles and Hachi are helping him through it

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