All We Need is Love, a Floo Connection, and More Shocking Discoveries

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After Professor McGonagall had left the house, Harry looked at Hermione with glee in his eyes.

"I'm a wizard," Harry said in awe. "And so were my parents." Hermione locked eyes with him, in shock.

"And I'm a witch." A moment later, they looked over at Taraneh and Tim, who were also in shock, also.

"Did we just dream this?" Tim mumbled.

"No!" Harry and Hermione said together and laughed.

"This explains so many things," Harry said a few minutes after. "Magic was something Uncle Vernon was scared of. Nobody could say the word magic in the house. Why he called me freak all the time, and -," the laughter leaving his body.

"Harry, you have a home here with us now. We will see about adoption, and -" Taraneh looked at her husband, and he gave her a nod with a smile, "you may both go to Hogwarts, contingent on a visit. We will miss you, but I think that it will be good for you to go. You will write often, and we will keep in touch with you as much as possible. We'll work out something for continuing your 'muggle' education."

Harry, who rarely hugged because it was just too much touching, got up and went over to the two who would become his adoptive parents. He leaned down to give them both a one armed hug so he could keep his balance. Taraneh was itching to pull him all the way into her arms, but clearly, he wasn't entirely ready for that. "Thank you," he said.
Hermione joined them, and Taraneh pulled her down onto her lap.

"My girl," Taraneh said, hugging her daughter fiercely.

"I know that Professor McGonagall just left, but perhaps, Mum, you could write the response to her. It's just too exciting. Yes, I will miss you, but I'll get to learn so many new things!" She looked at Harry, who was standing next to her. "Harry, promise you'll study with me at school?"

"Er, maybe?" Harry said. Even though he loved reading, and was reasonably good with mathematics and science, he had rarely been permitted to study in his cupboard. He just tried to pick up whatever he could at school and had done well enough doing that.

"You'll want to. You'll see," Hermione said, grinning at him. Harry was tempted to agree with her, but perhaps he should remain noncommittal right now.

"Well, now that we have decided, I need to have some lunch as it IS my lunch break," Tim said, looking at his watch. He ran a hand through his short medium brown hair. "I have another patient in 30 minutes." He got up and headed to the kitchen. Taraneh rose and went to collect the teacups.

"Mum!" Hermione nearly shouted.

"Yes, Mione joon?" Taraneh asked, putting teacups on the tray.

"Could you send our acceptance to Hogwarts now?" Hermione asked anxiously. Harry got the feeling that if Hermione was able, she would have been jumping up and down in her impatience.

"Oh, yes," Taraneh said. She hurried over to the parchment, and neatly wrote a short letter accepting (contingent on a visit to Hogwarts) on behalf of Hermione and Harry.

"I'm going to the kitchen now," Harry stated, following Tim. He had suddenly realized he was hungry! It was not in the haven't-eaten-in-two-or-more-days kind of way he'd experienced at the Dursleys, but just the feeling being well-fed regularly, and his stomach was ready for more. He wondered if this was normal. Tim was making a leftover roast beef sandwich. Harry thought it looked delicious. He had never known beef could taste so good. He got started on making his own roast beef sandwich, pulling the beef from the pan on the cooker. He added cheese to his sandwich as well. After choosing an apple, he half-hopped on one crutch to get his plate over to the table. His apple rolled off the plate, and he crash landed down on his chair. Tim, already sitting at the table, chuckled a bit, and retrieved Harry's apple for him.

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