Flooing to Hogwarts, a New Leg, and other Mildly Exciting Events

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Over the next few days, Harry and Hermione worked with their tutor, read books (except now Hermione insisted that they should read a Shakespeare comedy together, while Harry still preferred the medical books he found on the shelves), listened to music (even some classical albums because Hermione said that sometimes her parents had taken her to Proms in London during previous summers; she loved to visit Royal Albert Hall, and had spent a great deal of time describing it to Harry), watched a few movies, and talked to Tina about their magical abilities. She also took drove them to the library afterwards, as Hermione was rather frightened about walking there again. Tina had to recover first from the shock, of course.

"Let me get this straight," Tina said. "Hermione, you are a witch? And Harry's a wizard?" Her mouth was still agape after twenty minutes, and they still hadn't told her about the possibility that perhaps she had latent magic, too.

"Yes," Hermione said. "Apparently, Harry and I've both performed accidental magic before, too." She put an arm around her aunt's shoulder as they sat next to each other on the couch.

"Yeah," Harry piped up from his favorite chair. "See? My crutches are still mostly red. Maybe you didn't notice? It was caused by my magic and I don't want to change them back."

"Harry, I thought that perhaps you had tried to paint them, to be honest," Tina admitted as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear as it had been in her face. "You are both going away to a school in Scotland to learn how to control your magic, then? Only magic? What about other subjects you may need to study if you decide not to enter a magical career? Are there magical careers?" she asked, obviously a bit anxious but trying to hide it. Harry thought, in passing, that Tina was like her older sister in the way her 'nerves' showed.

"Hermione has thought about the same things. I think might like to be a doctor someday, and I now know the magical world has medical professionals called Healers, but they practice magical medicine most of time. I would like to combine them," Harry said, suddenly very passionate about this career choice, even though he wasn't even quite 11 years old yet. He knew he had time to change his mind, but he liked having a possible goal. "She thinks we ought to keep working on our muggle studies as well, at least during summer holidays. I've agreed as long as it's not all the time. We need time for fun, too," he added quietly.

"Yes, Harry. You are just learning about having fun like a child should, aren't you?" Tina said, and leaned over to pat his knee in understanding.

"Just a few months ago, I thought fun was only for other people, and not for me," Harry said, starting strong and dwindling to a whisper. "I didn't deserve it."

"Oh, Harry," Hermione said, tears springing to her eyes. She reached for Harry and gave him a light hug.

"You know what? You two are going to go to that school and have fun. It seems that it will be a great adventure for you. I will miss you, both of you, so much," Tina said with an arm around each child, "but I'll write as much as possible, and you'll write to me. Will you give me the address?"

"Aunt Tina, regular post doesn't get delivered there! Letters come by owl," Hermione almost shouted in excitement.

"How are we going to get letters to you then?" Tina asked. "I haven't got an owl."

"Mum and Dad promised we could get owls when we go get our magical school supplies on Harry's birthday. They aren't that excited to have owls in the house, but there is that mudroom that we never use near the rear. They can live there when they come home. They will also go with us to Hogwarts. They can carry our letters back and forth," Hermione said eagerly.

"Where are you getting the supplies and owls?"

"Diagon Alley," Hermione said promptly. "A secret magical place in London."

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