Mysterious Ways

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July 1991

Professor Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was in her office early. It was the day the yearly letters were to go out to all the students. She had a small stack on her desk intended for some incoming first year students. These were muggle-born witches and wizards who would just now discover that they were magical, and that magic was for real. She planned on visiting these students and their parents herself.

She waved her wand and a steaming teacup appeared at her right hand, along with a chocolate scone and cream. Just the right thing to begin her busy day. She had never told anyone, but it was quite honestly one of her favorite times of year. She knew she was normally perceived as stern and strict, but sharing in the joy that magic was real with some of these families made her feel happy and rather pleased. She sipped her tea, as a hint of a grin appeared on her lips.

After finishing her small breakfast, Minerva vanished the cup and plate, and picked up the envelopes, intending to plan her visits. She fingered the green ink the addresses were written in. The first was addressed to Mr. Justin Finch-Fletchley. The second was addressed to Ms. Hermione Granger. The third envelope was addressed to Mr. Harry Potter. She dropped them all as she gasped. She needed to remind herself to breathe as she so rarely lost her composure!

This meant Harry was no longer located where she had thought he had been living all these years, with the Dursleys on Privet Drive, where he would be safe from Voldemort and the Death Eaters with his aunt's protection. In fact, he seemed to be living at the same address as Ms. Granger! Did Albus know about this? Most likely not. She wondered about her friend sometimes. Had he been checking in on Harry all these years or not? She had never liked the idea of Harry living with muggles who hated magic. Ms. Granger's home should be the first stop this morning. Perhaps Harry really was there for some reason. Perhaps it was not a mistake. She wondered when Albus may have last checked on Harry's welfare. She tried to brush off her annoyance with the man because she must prepare to leave. Mr. Finch-Fletchley and the others would have to wait until later.


It was the first of Taraneh's two days off from work, seeing as how she would be covering the weekend on-call. She wanted to spend time with the children as well, but first she had some paperwork she needed to finish up. She planned to take Harry shopping for some more clothing. He had been eating well for the most part, and he had grown almost six centimetres already. He'd had his prosthetic leg for just about five weeks, but he didn't seem happy about it. She wondered if he had already outgrown it somehow. He didn't complain much to her about it verbally, but she saw he did not like it.

Harry and Hermione didn't have physiotherapy that day, and they were taking the time to relax in the lounge. Hermione was on her favorite couch so that she could lay back and read in one of her favorite locations by the window looking out on the garden. Harry was sitting with a book on the big overstuffed chair next to the couch as it was his favorite spot. He didn't even want to put any music on the stereo this morning. He had slept in, and just didn't want to put his leg on this morning. It was not pleasant to wear. It hurt, and he couldn't find his balance with it. And I don't need to do all the housework so really don't need my leg today! Yes, he had some assigned chores, but they were easy compared to the Dursleys. He felt like he was living in a good dream, however. He still could not believe he didn't have to do all the work, and most of the time, he to remind himself that he had no need to compulsively clean, either. He was all caught up on his schoolwork for the tutor. And no PT today! It was nice to have a break.

The last two months here in this home had been wonderful so far. There was plenty to eat, Tara and Tim had tried to adjust their work schedules to be home more, they read and listened to music together as a family, and even played some board games, something Harry hadn't done before. Tim had started to teach him how to play chess, and this would clearly take practice. He had a full bedroom of his very own. He had an almost-sister in Hermione, and a chance to cook food and be able to eat it in peace, too. It really was a dream.

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