Diagon Alley

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Harry was blown away by Diagon Alley. He could feel the magic here, for one thing, more so than even at Hogwarts. The second thing was the somewhat old-fashioned look of the Alley, which should not have surprised him since the visit to Hogwarts, but it did. It's a fairy tale, he thought. It was also his eleventh birthday, and he did not need to do chores! It was a cool, misty morning, and yet, they did not feel the raindrops. Professor McGonagall (as they were out in wizarding public) had cast some spells to keep them all dry. He had put on his best pair of jeans and a nice blue button-down shirt under his jacket. It was the first birthday that he could remember that he could dress up in clothes which fit.
Professor McGonagall had explained earlier about Harry's family vault at Gringotts to Tara and Tim prior to their arrival. They had all worn shocked looks on their faces, especially when they saw the goblins who ran the place. Tim exchanged muggle pounds for wizarding money (galleons and knuts), which Professor McGonagall then explained to them all. Harry and Professor McGonagall went with Griphook to the vault in a crazy cart where Harry retrieved some of his biological family's money. He still felt surprised over the fact he was not poor as he had always been led to believe. Seemingly, Vernon had never known of it, and Harry was glad for this.
Now they were gathered in front of Madam Malkin's shop.

"You will both need sets of robes for school," Professor McGonagall informed them. "You will be fitted here. After this we will make our way to the other shops. I understand that the pet shop will be one of the stops. I suggest that we end our day with there." She smiled at the them, and added in a low voice, "Since it is Harry's birthday, I daresay a visit to Fortescue's Ice Cream will be in order, as well."

"Thank you," Harry said quietly. He had already been recognized in The Leaky Cauldron by the pub owner. He hoped that no one else would notice him. Perhaps they would only see his crutches without thinking about him being Harry Potter, because based on what he had learned so far, people in the magical world did not expect to see THE Harry Potter with crutches. He patted his fringe down over his scar, again. Professor McGonagall gave him a quick nod and ushered them all into the robe shop. Fortunately, they were the only customers present.

After they were finished being fitted for robes, they went to buy their cauldrons, ingredients, and other school supplies. Professor McGonagall told them more about Quidditch, the popular wizarding sport, after they passed a shop selling brooms. Harry was by now quite ready to try flying! Hermione was thrilled when they finally reached Flourish and Botts, to buy her beloved books. They both took their own copies of the needed textbooks, and then searched for other books to help understand this new world they were entering. Hermione picked out several, including Hogwarts: A History, even though Professor McGonagall had told them some of the history during their visit. She told Harry he could read it when she finished with it, probably in two days. Harry grinned because now he knew Hermione well enough to know that in two days' time, she will have completed the book and several of the others as well. Harry picked up a few he thought looked interesting such as Quidditch Through the Ages and a book on beginning healing spells. He was determined to learn all about Quidditch, since it involved flying and his father had played it. He suspected he would be able to fly better than run. Professor McGonagall shrunk their purchases to make the carrying of them easier.

Professor McGonagall led them to Fortescue's now, for a much-needed break before getting their wands and pets. Tara was becoming more and more eager to try out wands herself, but admitted to herself that a chance to sit down was welcome. Tina wondered if she could try a wand herself, just to see if she might have magic. More than the children, the three mostly muggle adults were somewhat overwhelmed. Harry was physically exhausted from walking and from trying to avoid people on the street who might either knock him over or recognize him. Hermione kept talking about everything she saw and realized that her throat was a touch sore. Had she really been talking so much?

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