Chapter 24: "I... I don't know what I would do if I lost her."

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"Alright Kai.  Stop looking at me funny.  If you have something you need to say, just say it."  I looked over at my assistant, my eyes narrowed in irritation.  For the last two hours, he had been watching me carefully as though he expected me to grow two heads or something.  I didn't understand it and it was starting to piss me off.  It had started right after I had arrived at the shop and I didn't get what was going on, why he was behaving so strangely.

Shaking his head, Kai turned back to the bouquet he was arranging, the smile that was usually present on his face noticeably missing.  I knew something was bothering him, but I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.  Trying to push his odd behavior from my mind, I turned back to the flowers I was arranging, a first anniversary present that came in a last minute order.  The man had asked for a display of daisies since it was his wife's favorite flower.  When he had asked for daisies, I felt a strange feeling in my heart, something that tugged on it, but I just pushed it aside, grinned at the customer and told him it would be no problem. 

However, as I looked down at the flowers in front of me, a selection of rainbow colored daisies, I couldn't help but feel the strange sensation come over me again.  It was as though my heart was telling me that I was forgetting something, missing something, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what it was.  I trimmed another stem, this time for a blue one, and arranged it in between the purples and reds that were already in place. 

As I picked up another flower, I couldn't get my mind off the man that had come into the flower shop shortly after I arrived.  He was breathtakingly handsome with hair the color of gingerbread and a gorgeous smile.  As I greeted him, the smile disappeared from his face and a look of hurt appeared, a look that seemed as though his heart was breaking.  Part of me longed to go to him, to hug him, to tell him everything was going to be all right.  It was the same part of me that felt like I knew him, like maybe he was someone I had seen in a dream, a beautiful dream that I never wanted to wake up from.  However, he had left almost as quickly as he had entered, leaving me confused and oddly lonely.

After he had left, Kai had continued to watch me strangely, almost as though he knew whom that man was, as though he had been expecting me to greet him differently.  It was the same look he was giving me now.  "Okay Kai.  Tell me what the hell is going on."

Kai sighed and set down the flowers in his hands.  Coming over to me, he stood in front of me and I could see the confusion in his eyes, a confusion that was laced with worry.  "Are... are you feeling okay, Y/N?  Like really feeling okay?"

I nodded my head.  "Sure.  I feel fine.  Why are you asking me that?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, Kai looked as though he wanted to be anywhere else but right here.  "It's just..." The dinging of the shop bell cut off his words and we both turned to see a handsome man step into the shop.  His white blond hair and pale blue eyes were stunning and I just stared at him for a moment in shock.

Pulling myself together, I put a smile on my face.  "Hello.  Welcome to Once Upon a Tulip.  Is there something we can help you find?"

The man grinned and took a step closer and I couldn't help but feel the urge to turn around and run.  "Yes please.  I'm looking to purchase some flowers please.  Orange lilies please.

Although the man's voice was polite and sweet sounding, there was something about it that threw me off.  And ordering orange lilies?  A pretty flower yes, but they usually mean contempt and disdain.  I pointed to Kai.  "My assistant, Kai, can assist you with that."  Kai turned to me, a question in his eyes.  "You don't mind, do you?  I need to check on a vase delivery that I'm waiting for really quickly."

Magic Shop: Book 3 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Hoseok X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now