Mama Dino's back and Buck get's captured

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As the light came from Lily's eyes, she was awaken by Pip who nudged her cheek. The human girl rubbed her eyes and moaned softly.

Eddie: Lily, you're awake?

Lily felt Eddie poke her cheek. For a moment, Lily rubbed her eyes and she urged Buck to wake up. Crash and Eddie were holding orange berries in a bowl.

Buck: Did I drift off?

Crash: It's all good, Buck. We kept the boat on track and made you a delicious breakfast.

Buck: You got these from the trees? That's very nice. But they're also very poisonous. From now on, keep your paws and tails inside the boat.

Eddie: Oh, so maybe we shouldn't have snagged these jump ropes.

The two possums got yellow snakes tightly wrapped around them. Pip shivered at the snakes as Lily tried to pull the snakes out and snake the limbless reptiles necks off.

Zee: Guys, those are more poisonous than the berries.

Crash: We're immune to snake venom.

Buck: But I'm not! It would kill me.

Zee: It would make me break out and then kill me.

Crash: Our bad.

Eddie: Sorry, Zsa Zsa. Should we not have adapted these cute pet lizards either? 

They both lifted two flame lizard that breathe fire. Lily didn't want to be near them. The fire will smother her.

Eddie: Maybe we're not ready to prove ourselves.

Crash: Speak for yourself. Okay, you can speak for both of us.


After a few hours, the group had arrived at shore. Lily wonder why Buck lead them here. She climbed right of the boat and onto the dry land. Pip followed as she climbed above her shoulder. Buck began to pick up a seashell.

Buck: We've made it. Time to summon an old friend.

With a deep breath, he blew the shell in like a horn. For a moment, Lily felt the ground rumble. Something big is coming. She looked up and saw a patch of orange brown skin from the trees. Pip shivered as she scurried up to Lily's shoulder. From the jungles came out an orange female T Rex. She roared triumphally, causing Lily to freeze.

Eddie: Crash! It's Mama T rex!

Crash and Eddie happily jumped off the boat and onto the land. They can't believe that they had reunited with the female dinosaur since twenty two years past. Zee jumped off the bone boat lastly and shook the water off her feet.

Zee: Wait, you know Mama T?

Crash: Our friend Sid used to babysit her kids.

It is true, Sid had found the eggs and started taking care of them.

Buck: She's gonna help us take out Orson.

Crash: That totally makes sense. She's fifteen times of deadly, vicious terror! No offence, mama.

For a moment, the female T-Rex let out a groan with a worried look. Buck can understand dinosaur language since he lived in the lost world for a long time.

Buck: What's wrong, girl? Toothache, huh? Come on. Let doctor Buck take a look.

Mama T-rex laid down and opened her mouth. Buck jumps inside. 

Buck: Left upper incisor impacted. lower right molar missing. 

He looked inside and he found it. A tooth with a black hole drilled on the side of her mouth.

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