Back to the Ice

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The gang began to return home though the same cavern at the beginning. Buck looked back at his own world. He had been here for a long time, having succeeded in his survival. Now he's going to have a new beginning.

"So long, big guy," he sighed.

He placed his knife to the ground and began to join the others. Just then, a loud roar caused him to turn back. It sounds familiar.

"That's our que," Manny said, unaware he heard one of the dinosaurs.

"He's alive," Buck whispered with amazement.

"Buck...?" Diego turned his head to where the weasel has been standing from. Silver turned to the male's attention as Buck started to have some second thoughts.

"I... I gotta..."


"Besides, this world should really stay down here," he said. "Take care of 'em, tiger."

"Always listen to Buck."

Silver sighed. She then bowed down and pressed her head against Buck's.

"I'll never forget you, Silver," said Buck.

Silver nodded.

With one last look, Buck cuts the makeshift bridge down and causes it and the caverns to collapse.  Turning toward the light, Diego and Silver ran out of the caverns just in time back in the snow. Panting, Silver looked back to where Buck was. See you soon, she thought.

"Is everybody okay?" Manny asked the group.

"Where's Buck?" Eddie asked, worried.

Diego looked toward the cave that they left. "Don't worry. He's where he wants to be."

"Is he going to be okay?" Crash asked.

"Are you kidding? Nothing can kill that weasel. It's Rudy I'm worried about."

Silver nodded. She still remembered how Buck was. Maybe they will meet him again someday as Ellie placed her baby on the snow.  

As Silver settled down, Manny walks to Diego. "I know this baby thing isn't for you. But whatever you decide to do..."

"I'm not leaving, buddy. Life of adventure... It's right here," Diego assured him.

"Well, I got a whole speech here. I've been working on it," Manny descirbed. "How can I show you that I'm strong and...sensitive? Noble, yet caring?"

"They grow so fast, huh?" sighed Sid, looking over to the possum watching over the newborn baby.  "Look at my kids. Seems they were born one day and then gone the next."

"They were, Sid," said Diego.

"Yeah, it was a lot of work."

Silver felt something land on her nose, making her lift her head.  It's snowing. A snowflake touched the baby mammoth's nose, making her sneeze as Silver approached the baby. Then she started to open her eyes. Silver saw that the baby had green eyes just like Ellie's. Silver looked at her with an emotionless expression then she gently reached her hand and began to pet her. She carefully held her close as she picked the baby mammoth up.

"What shall we call her?" Ellie asked.

Manny began to think it over. "What about Ellie?"

Silver shook her head and motioned about the code name.


Silver nodded her head happily, knowing that the word Peaches might suit her. It is a fuzzy and sweet name for the baby.

Manny began to smile at her decision.  "I love it."

Ellie smiled at Silver before she looked at her newborn daughter, Peaches. "That's right, sweetheart. Welcome to the Ice Age."

Afterwards, things went back to normal. Now with a daughter, Sid and Silver babysit her, Diego also came along to take care of the two. But they never forgot what Buck did for them. He stayed in the Dinosaur world, and he's probably battling right now.

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