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One day I reread the previous version of this book, and boy was it godawful! How did I get away with that? Anyway, I thought long, very long, and hard about what to do

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One day I reread the previous version of this book, and boy was it godawful! How did I get away with that? Anyway, I thought long, very long, and hard about what to do. Should I edit or rewrite it? Edit or rewrite it? I went with the latter, much to my dismay.

I knew I could do better this time, hopefully make it more interesting, and go at a slower pace. I planned it out more, not going with the flow because that did not work out last time. My writing has gotten better, I think. That's really for you, the readers, to decide.

Honestly, rewriting it was the best choice. The first version was all over the place, bringing in information at sudden and unneeded moments. Not good, not good. Also, there were so many grammar mistakes in that thing; again, how did I get away with that? Mind-boggling at its finest.

If you had read the other version of this book already, nothing crucial has been changed before the rewriting. Though, in a sense, a lot has. I decided to add Peter Harrison in this time and change the point-of-view to third-person omniscient instead of first-person. It is also going to be one book with 1-3 parts. I guess a lot has changed. . .Shit.

ANYWAY, this book will include the following: Swearing, Mild Sexual Content, and Uses of Drugs and Alcohol. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter if there are mentions of any of those listed. Reader discretion is advised - Mwahaha. Sorry, in all seriousness, do read at your own risk.

So, with all that aside, dig in, and enjoy Something.

(Thank you for being patient.)


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SOMETHING, g. harrisonWhere stories live. Discover now