Coming Home

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"Um, Lady Cynthia? Who is this?"

Selina swallowed nervously. Her eyes shifted from Felix to Koga as her mind tried to figure out how to fully explain what had happened. She hadn't taken into consideration what Felix's response to Koga's appearance would be. Especially now that she got a good look at the undead in the sunlight.

Everything she had seen in the Dream was still there. His height, his posture, his purple skin and the bluish flames in his eyes. All was as it was. But now she could get a better look at his clothes. His shirt was reminiscent of a Hunter's. A single black cloak fluttered over his shoulders, a black jacket covered up his torso, and within that was a single white shirt with a black bow-tie. Instead of pants he wore a strange, eastern looking garment that protected his legs. He said it was a "hakama" when Selina asked him about it. At his hip wasn't a single blade but two, one shorter than the other. The white bone armor was still on his arm, a dull azure light emanating from the end of it.

Selina looked to Felix, wincing as she beheld the young man's nervous glances between her and Koga. She cleared her throat and spoke up, "Um, Felix. This is Koga. He is..."

Selina found her words dying in her throat time and time again. How exactly was she supposed to explain this? That she had absorbed the soul of a Mamono, somehow managed to undo it's monsterization, turned it into a male, and then summoned it to this world? At his own behest at that?

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, Selina didn't have to explain anything. Koga walked over to Felix, then performed a Hunter's Salutations towards the man. He spoke in a even, polite and respectful tone, "Good Morning, Felix. My name is Koga. I am an Ochimusha who has been given a second chance at life through the magnanimous nature of the Good Hunter. I have already been made aware of the current situation, and assure you that no harm will come to you while I draw breath."

"," Felix let out a nervous chuckle. He glanced at Selina, hoping for confirmation of the Ochimusha's words. His legs were shaking and he was genuinely considering bolting for the wagon even with Tina currently on his back.

Selina clicked her tongue then walked over to Koga. She bade him rise and explained, "He speaks the truth, Felix. To put it simply, I used the same power I used to restore your wife on him. And this...was the result."

She waved a hand at the Ochimusha's form. Koga stood up then turned his attention to the horses and wagon, "I shall get the wagon prepared for our journey, Good Hunter. Please excuse me."

Koga headed towards the equines, leaving Felix and Selina to stand there and watch him. As he approached, the horses immediately became on edge. One remained still while the other began to whinny and shake his head in a clear display of discomfort. Felix sent an unsure glance at Selina, "Lady Cynthia...he said he was And you used the same thing that you used on Tina on him?"

"Indeed," Selina nodded while keeping one eye on the Ochimusha.

"'re certain he is...well..."

"Trustworthy?" Selina finished for Felix. The former Order Scribe swallowed nervously. Then he slowly nodded, his attention turning back to the was the best word he could come up with. Koga had managed to calm the second horse, but didn't bother getting into the drivers seat. Instead, he hopped into the wagon itself and sat with his back to the right side.

Selina took a moment to answer. She rubbed her chin with a hand before saying, "I...believe he is. Or, at the very least, he appears to be someone who takes his ideals of honor and oaths made towards others extremely seriously. Thus, I don't believe he will make any attempts to harm us."

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