The After Party

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Nick nearly jumped when the door to Lady Cynthia's room burst open. The Huntress stood in the open doorway, her hat askew on her head and chest rising and falling with her rapid breath. Her eyes were wild with worry as they fell on Maggie's peaceful form. She ran to the girl's side, immediately pressing her ear to her chest while two gloved fingers went to her still pale neck. The Huntress glanced at Nick, asking in a panicked voice, "Is she alright?!"

A relieved smile lit up Nick's face. He nodded just as the young girl's heartbeat echoed into the Huntress' ear. Slow but strong, the Huntress felt her worry melt away at the sound. She stood up while placing a hand on her chest in relief, "Thank goodness."

The two were silent for a long time, their eyes glued on the gently breathing woman. Her cheeks had regained their pinkish hue and all her erratic movements had ceased. Her lips opened and closed in tune with her rising and falling chest. The small smile on Nick's face matched the one hidden behind the Huntress' bandana. They nodded to each other before stepping away from the bed and walking out of the room. The Huntress walked out last, gently closing the door behind her as they entered the hall.

Once it was shut they both let out sighs of relief that gave way to nervousness as the two searched for something to say. Numerous uncomfortable silent minutes stretched between them as Nick's eyes shifting from the Huntress to the clean floor, to the ceiling, then back to the Huntress. He made a show of clearing his throat before finally breaking the tension, "So, uh, I...I owe you quite a bit now, don't I?"

"Hmm?" the Huntress' head tilted with slight confusion.

"Well, you stopped my sis from turning into...a monster," he struggled as if finishing the sentence would make it come true, "Not many people would do that for a couple of slum rats like us. Heck, I didn't think anyone could do it till you came along."

The Huntress humbly shook her head as she adjusted her hat, "It was no trouble. Consider it my way of repaying you for walking Horace and Gloria home."

Nick flinched at the mention of their task. He couldn't meet the Huntress' eyes as he replied, "Yeah, yeah. Sorry, about that by the way."

"What do you mean?" The Huntress asked as her eyes scanned the doors along the hallway. Her sharp eyes spotted one with slightly cracked open and shook her head before turning her attention back to Nick, "I did not see them with you downstairs. Am I wrong in assuming you got them to their rooms before the...incident?"

Nick waved his hands up in the air, taking a step back in uncontrollable fear as he shouted, "No! No! No! Maggie got them upstairs before that! I promise!"

The Huntress waited patiently for the young man to collect himself and continue. She was not surprised by his reaction. He did witness her fight and mutilate two Mamono at once because they stepped foot into her home. Drawing that same ire to himself was the last thing he wished to do.

Nick took a few moments to compose himself before saying, "What I meant was, I'm sorry we let the monsters inside in the first place. I knew there was something up with them when I saw 'em. But I mind started going fuzzy and...they smelled so nice and...dammit!"

A hand went to his head as he shook it out of frustration, "Why the hell am I still thinking about them like that?! They attacked my sister for fuck's sake!"

"It's what they do," Nick looked up at the Huntress as she explained, "They fill your mind with lustful thoughts, overpowering all rational senses to get you to do as they bid. Though you may not have slept with one of them, their influence over you shall likely remain for a time."

"But not you," Nick ventured, stepping towards the Huntress, "You're immune, aren't you? That's why you could fight them and why you haven't collapsed like Maggie."

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