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Six days later.

Kaisyn stirred in her sleep, frowning as she became hot, even though the fan and air was on.

She opened her eyes, looking down to see Von asleep on top of her, and she rose an eyebrow, wondering when he had gotten there.

She had spent the last few days with him, and then finally came back home last night, and somehow she woke up with him in her bed.

"Daymufuckinvon." She tapped him awake, and he frowned, flicking her hands away from him.

"Dayvon why is you in my house?" She chuckled, sitting up.

"I couldn't sleep without you baby." He mumbled, getting off of her, still holding her hand, attempting to doze off.

She smiled, shaking her head at him as she sat up. She leaned over, softly kissing his cheek, and he lowly groaned.

"I love you girl." He mumbled, and she smiled again.

"Come on baby." She stood up, pulling him out the bed, and he frowned.

"I ain't ready to get up yet ma." He rubbed his eye, standing up with her anyways.

He grabbed his bag, taking his toothbrush out, and then following her to the bathroom.

They brushed their teeth, and then Von stood behind Kaisyn as she did her skin care routine, rubbing her sides.

"What you doing?" She mumbled, seeing him on his phone, and he flipped the camera, recording them in the mirror, and she laughed.

"Say wassup baby." He smirked, rubbing his hand down her naked body, and she smiled.

"Hi." She waved, and he chuckled, kissing her cheek as he ended the video.

"It's raining hard as hell." He said as she started some shower water, able to hear thunder crashing out of her room window.

"For the first time in forever." She mumbled, and Von sat his phone down after ordering them some food, stepping in the shower with her.

Kaisyn wrapped her arms around his neck, and he leaned over, picking her up because he knew that's what she wanted.

"Thank you baby." She rubbed his neck, laying her head down on his shoulder, and he smiled.

He loved this side of Kaisyn, the side that wanted to be loved, babied, that wanted to be cared for. The last week they'd spent together she spent the whole time all the way under him, and he loved that.

"You okay lil folks?" He rubbed her back, sort of rocking her side to side.

"Yes. I missed you." Her tone was soft, and he kissed her shoulder.

"I missed you too Syani." He chuckled, pulling her head back by her hair, and she gasped, before smiling as he kissed her lips.

"Slut ass." He pulled away, laughing once she tried to slide her tongue deeper in his mouth.

"Oh shut up." She smiled, getting out of his grip, and back down on her feet.

She grabbed her loofah, and both of them bathed themselves, getting out shortly after.

"Kyzeir where you going?" She frowned, seeing him about to walk out of her room.

"I ordered food. I be back ma." He said, and she nodded, before smiling as he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you Von." She mumbled, and he kissed her cheek, before walking out of her room.

Kaisyn pulled on a pair of panties after rubbing her lotion in on her body, and then the matching bra.

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