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A month later

"I love you so much." Von mumbled, repeatedly pecking Kaisyn's lips, making her laugh.

"You do this every damn time." She laughed as he continued kissing her.

"You be making me sad when you leave me. It's like you telling me to kill myself." He told her, and she laughed again.

"Boy." She grabbed her purse, and he hit the locks on his car door once she tried to get out, making her stale face him.

"You ain't tell me you love me." He said, and she smiled, rolling her eyes.

"I love you stink. I will literally see you in two hours." She kissed his cheek, and he poked his lips out.

She pressed her lips against his, slowly closing her eyes as his tongue flicked in her mouth, and he grabbed her neck.

"You so damn nasty." She laughed, pulling away as he smiled, wiping the side of her mouth.

"Aight go inside ima be waiting out here." He said, and she laughed again because he was so dramatic.

He unlocked the doors, reaching over to open hers, making her smile.

"Eyes open Kais." He told her, and she nodded, waving him off as she closed the car door.

She walked up to Pappadeux, opening the door and walking inside, looking around for Promise-before spotting her in a back corner.

The two of them went on food dates every Saturday as of lately, just for days to themselves to catch up with each other.

"Best friendddd." Kaisyn smiled big, wrapping her arms around her neck as Promise hugged her tight.

"I missed you bitch. You look good. Getting big." Promise grabbed a handful of her ass, making her laugh.

"I might be pregnant, not gone lie." She said, sliding in the booth with her.

"That was a lil toooo casual. Are you?" Promise asked, and a wide smile spread across her face once Kaisyn nodded.

"Oh my godddd!" She shrieked, wrapping her arms around Kaisyn, who laughed.

"Don't be so loud. Von nosy ass probably a' hear yo loud ass." Kaisyn chuckled, crossing her legs.

"Fuck Von bitch. My best friend pregnant!" She clapped, the koolaid smile still on her face.

"I don't wanna tell him until we can find out my gender. I'm three fucking months bitch. Three damn months. Them fucking plan b's did not work. I'm upset." Kaisyn dramatically folded her arms, making Promise laugh.

"Girl shut up. I'm glad they didn't. Three months, oh my god. Didn't you take a pregnancy test a few weeks ago though?" Promise asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes. And that shit was negative. You should've seen my face when my doctor told me. Three months, one week and 5 days. That boy nut beat like 10 plan b's." Kaisyn shook her head, and Promise laughed again.

"Oh my goddd best friend this is good! Why you waiting to tell him? You know this all he damn want and you gone make him wait." She stale faced her, and Kaisyn chuckled.

"I wanna plan something small for me and him. I want it to be cute and thoughtful." She shrugged, and Promise smiled.

"That is so cute bestie. Oh my god I'm so proud of you girl." Promise hugged her tight, and Kaisyn smiled, rubbing her back.

"Thank you bff. I'm so excited. I started shopping already and everything. I'm so ready to press order but I don't want him to see." Kaisyn dramatically sighed, making her laugh.

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