Chapter 1

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Camilo ran down the stairs his heart thumping in his chest. This was great. Mirabelle had forgotten to wake him up so he'd slept in and now he would be late for work in the village and wouldn't even get to eat breakfast! What was he going to do without his stacked up plate of food? 

Suppressing a groan, Camilo walked out of the front door which was already wide open for him. The sun was already fairly high by now and cast down beams of sunlight that gave everything a yellow tinge. Flowers bloomed in all different colours, unpatterned on Casita's walls. The trees stood tall around the village, their green leaves flourishing in the summer heat. Their sturdy brown trunks seemed to get thicker by the day as they grew.

Probably Isabelles again, Camilo thought. 

Ever since Isabella had told Mirabelle about how she never liked being perfect... well, let's just say she got far from that word. Instead of coloured, beautiful roses and sculptures she made plants of all kinds here and there, splattered with all kinds of different colours. 

As he began walking to the village, Camilo's eyes laid on the food table, still quite full even after the others had had breakfast. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching he slipped his hand out to the side and quickly stuffed an arepa con queso in his mouth, making it bulge slightly.

Turning on his heals Camilo waved to his house. "Bye Casita, I'll be back later!" He mumbled through a mouthful of food

Turning back towards the village, Camilo started walking to the village, his feet lightly thumping the stone footpath. 


Camilo's heart seemed to stop. Oh no, he'd probably been caught. Again. 

Slowly turning around he made tried to smile, though it was kind of hard with one side of his mouth sticking out and visibly hiding food.

"... Hi Dad ..." Camilo took a slow, not so subtle, bite and made an effort to swallow everything in his mouth.

Felix stared at him for a moment then let out an annoyed sight. "Camilo! I told you not to steal more arepa con queso, you know Abuela is trying to donate them to the villagers! There's no need for you to have seconds every morning! Your breakfast plate is always stuffed up enough as it is! No stealing!"

"But I didn't get breakf-"

"No stealing!" Felix cut him off before he could say any more. "And anyway, why weren't you at breakfast? I've been looking all over for you!"

"Well, Mirabelle forgot to wake me up so I think you should blame it on her, or Casita. He could have at least sent a clock to tell me it was breakfast!"

Felix crossed his arms. "Camilo! You know  that Casita can't access your room, and Mirabelle was busy! Anyway, some people in town need your help. Something got stuck down their drain."

Camillo's heart sank. Oh, not that job again. Last time he had to clean someone's drain he was forced to turn into a crock roach. I mean, how would to turn into a crock roach! In his opinion, it was much easier to care for the babies and pretend to be their parents, help put up decorations, or even climb trees to get a kite or something up high to get some persons belongings. (Mostly other people can't do it because their are parts we're you need to be small, tall and then have long legs.) But cleaning out a drain... in his opinion Antonio should just get a beetle or something to do it. What was the point of him turning into an insect?

Felix gave him a frown. "Camilo, fix your face again. Are you going?"

Realising his pupils were pushed to the outside of his face again, Camilo shook his head and fixed them back into place again. "Yeah, yeah I'm going! This will be fun!" He answered, trying to look excited about the job. Yay, going down a mucky drain that hadn't been cleaned in years! How fun was that?


Camilo tried not to cringe as he looked back at the villagers. 

"You sure you're okay with doing it?" Someone asked. 

Camilo smiled, "Yeah, its fine. I mean, who else would do it?"

The people seemed relieved, so at least Camilo wasn't working with the bossy ones that were always like. Hey! I want you to shape-shift into this, not touch these walls, and bring our thing that got stuck down their back up without a piece of dirt or muck on it.

Last time that happened... he didn't think those people new how dirty their drain was. 

Looking down the drain Camilo shrugged. This one looked better at least, maybe the day wouldn't be too bad. 

Turning back to the people standing behind him he jumped into the air and smirked. "Adiós!" And just before he hit the drain he concentrated on the first insect that came to mind. Instantly he felt a hard black shell surround him and two legs transformed into six. He could be something else this time, why not?

So um, please keep in mind that I only wrote this book when I was 12, so please don't be too mean about like, spelling, punctuation or something like that! It was my first book and yeah, just please don't be too critisizing! =D ^^

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