Ch. 004

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It's been weeks and everyone has been working hard to make Impyrea pretty cozy and they're doing a pretty good job

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It's been weeks and everyone has been working hard to make Impyrea pretty cozy and they're doing a pretty good job

The two friends created two groups: one responsible to make sure nothing dies cause the seelies don't know how rain cycles and life work if it continues to just let the sun shine bright and the other making sure the place looks neat

"Is this what god did to create earth?? Like man it took him a week and here we are taking a whole fucking half a month"

Kylie lets out a tired groan and leans under a tree for shade

Time doesn't actually work in this place, which mean that night and day can either be shorter or longer depending on the assigned seelies mood. But good thing they fixed that and managed to explain the 24- hour method and introduced them to a clock.

"Cut ourselves some slack, it's basically our first time being immortal beings"

"Even though it's been centuries, it's kinda weird we are basically tasked to watch over universes"

So the void is basically the universe taking two souls with the burden to watch over the universe, one to protect and preserve while the other destroys and recreates

Kylie has earned the title <Keeper of The Worldlines> as Micah gained the title <One who Handles Recreation>

Basically our two protagonists became too overpowered for some reasons (plot reasons obvi)

By the help of the seelies, they quickly adapted to their newfound strength and powers

They even found out that everytime there's a gap on their realm they could enter to a whole alternate universe somewhere and were able to communicate with the living beings there

When they were say one,they immediately asked the seelies

"Oh masters those are the cracks of different worlds you are tasked to handle"

"Yup!! You can either save or destroy them"

"There is no right or wrong in which ones you pick because Masters can do anything you please"

"Ohohoh, anything?"

The two deities looked each other with the same Cheshire cat smiles on their faces, thinking the exact same thing

Since two of them were a bit adamant on entering the gap they decided who loses on rock,paper scissors gets to go first


Micah mutters as Kylie raises her fists up in triumphant

"Now go in there"

Kylie grabs the others shoulders and drags her to the tear as Micah sulks

"If I die again, I'm blaming you"

"Aight, I'll personally sing cpr on your funeral"

Micah breathes in to slow down her nervous self and enters the tear, when her foot reaches solid ground and sees chaos and havoc

Then she spots people, it appears that they are fighting, swords clashing, arrows being shot around and people screaming left and right and sees a person fighting wearing a demon mask and strange markings around his body with something that looks to be a monster as they continued to fight as if too engrossed with the fight to notice her

The monster continues to dodge while holding onto what appears to be their should which was bleeding profusely as the one with a spear continues to attack with no haste

The battle went on and the person with the mask eventually won


She calls out, and he looks at her with confusion as he takes off his mask

"Huh? State your identity"

Holy shit is that Xiao??? What huh?!?!!! WJAT HOLD TF ON

The demon yaksha looks at her with his guard up.

I didn't feel their presence until I finished defeating this demon, this person isn't ordinary, especially that voice. It appears to be a god but who?

"I'm the God of Recreation? atleast that's what they say"

Is there even a god of Recreation here in Teyvat??

She thinks, sweatdropping at her little slip up


"I do have one thing to say, for you Alatus"

"Spit it out"

"See, I have the power to see the future and do not fret, Liyue will thrive"

Which made even Xiao, even more confused on the cryptic words of the unknown god he just met

"After all I have fate in all of you and Morax, for now goodbye"

She says as the portal behind her reappears and swallows her figure, disappearing.

"Wait! What are you-"

He says as he tries to reach out to the diety for answers but he was too late.

Micah reappears back to their realm with Kylie looking at her with expectant eyes

"What did you see? Come on tell me!"

"...I think I just went to the time were the archon war is still happening and met Xiao"


After revealing all the details to the bizarre things that happened, they lay down on a soft blanket and square-shaped pillows the seelies made for them a few days ago, under the stars as they closed their tired eyes from the taxing day

And so the next day, that's when they realized they could quite literally go visit their favorite characters on their respective universe with ease whenever they want to

Well this is gonna be fun

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