Ch. 007

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"Haahhh were able to find Kim Dokja's universe"

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"Haahhh were able to find Kim Dokja's universe"

"Well decades of being cursed and hanging out with Oldest Dream was worth it"

"Yeah, I don't mind spending time with Oldest, it's seems he got quite lonely in there"

The real reason why the two had disappeared without a trace ever since their journey from Eklipse was because they were summoned to Oldest Dream, for breaking the laws of the Universe

Nobody told us about rules! Like we literally just popped out of nowhere and became gods

Micah thinks as she slouches in her seat, remembering the events

Oldest Dream with his face disoriented by the Fourth Wall, realizing that these two were young constellations who obviously had too much power, going willy nilly traveling to different parts of the Galaxy with no regard of the consequences of their actions.

Theses two are obviously children, they barely can contain their strength of their power. Looking at them, they could be atleast Narrative Grade or even compared to a Myth Grade!

He looks at the two goddesses with their eyes staring straight at the floor, seeing that grass become to grow at the girl with green wings' feet as it reaches the other deity's line of contact it immediately dies

So because of the multiple laws they have been broken they were cursed to be stuck here with him for multiple years to come. Failing to abide the law, they are forced to be stuck here in space

The two became dejected as when they heard his judgement for the two

Hah.. honestly cursing these two would barely be contained as they could rival me in terms in strength if they train hard enough

"Don't worry you two, while you're both stuck here might as well teach you both about the wills and laws about this universe"

Oldest Dream said as the two looks at him with shock

"You'll teach us? Really?" Kylie's eyes began to sparkle at the thought of getting stronger

"But there's a catch right?" Micah says as the look of shock was gone and it was replaced with wariness

"Yes, please be my hands and feet outside this train and I'll help"

The two looked at each other and started whispering, weighting out the pros and cons. They come to an agreement and looked at him.

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