I pinky promise

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"I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!" A young boy with raven hair yelled clenching his fists tightly. He wandered towards a cold, clear, stream of water. He sighed but then heard a noise coming from the other side.

He looked up and spotted another boy across the line of water that separated both boys

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He looked up and spotted another boy across the line of water that separated both boys. He felt his blood boil but remained quite as he carefully studied the intruder of his safe haven. The Uchiha was a bit in shock as he wondered why he was here. Nobody ever came by here. He thought to himself.

"HEEELLLLLOOOOO!!" Madara jumped back from being startled by the sudden loud noise "HEY! HI! HELLO!" He awkwardly blinked as he watched the boy getting into the stream and start walking in his direction. The stranger had finally made his way over to him. Face to face. Causing a surprised Madara to stumble back and fall on his butt.

"Ohh! That's gotta hurt! Are you okay?" The boy had bowl cut hair style, wore a scarf, with a sweater over a plain white t-shirt, and brown pants. Tilting his head his giant brown eyes blinked several times as he reached forward to help the raven haired boy up. Madara dusted himself and glanced back up at the intruder as the boy just stared.

"What are you staring at?! Don't you know that staring is rude?!" He lashed out at the other finally letting his feeling of anger let loose "What are you even doing here?! Get lost! This is my place!" The brunette backed away and just walked off leaving a couple of inches in between the two.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled as Madara eyed him for a while.

" He mumbled as Madara eyed him for a while

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"Hey, you said staring is rude. Why are you staring now?" The intruder spoke up again. The young Uchiha was taken aback from his ballsy remark "Ha...touché...but nobody ever comes by here and seeing someone else makes me feel uncomfortable." Madara replied as he moved his eyes towards the running water.

"I'm Hashirama Senju." He turned his gaze back to the brunette only to get scared once more. The boy was near him again...but now a bit too close to comfort.

"Uh, I'm Madara Uchiha..." He looked away again feeling a wave of guilt wash over him "Hey, I... apologize for what I have said earlier..." He frowned but was pushed softly by the other boy who bore a grin from ear to ear "Hahaha, it's okay! I didn't take it to heart...I thought I did something mean is all." He laughed some more. Something about that brunette's cheerful laugh brought a smile onto his own face. Hashirama noticed and gasped.

"Whoa, was that a smile? I'm glad I accomplished my goal then!" Madara turned his head to him "Accomplished your goal? What are you talking about" He rose a brow at the gleeful kid who kept laughing.

"To make you happy!" The Uchiha felt his cheeks burning "I-IDIOT!" he crossed his arms but Hashirama was persistent with him and kept poking at him.

Eventually Madara caved in.


From that day on Hashirama kept returning to the stream. Kept coming back for him he would say. They spent entire days together talking, playing and just having fun with each other. Madara was glad he met his new friend but according to Hashirama they are best friends.

Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. And time kept passing by as the two grew so close. Practically attached to their hips. Hashirama enjoyed his company and always made sure to let his best friend know to which to his joy, Madara always smiled. He also would remind the raven haired boy how he is happy and grateful to have met him and how he's always excited. When he goes to sleep and wakes up.

One day Hashirama decides to tell his best friend something he has been dealing with since they've met. It was a cold winter as the pair met up again by the now iced up stream, eagerly embracing each other. Madara has been stirring up feelings in his heart. This boy brought him so much happiness, he liked him, he really did. The only problem is that this feeling was more than just a 'Hey, I like you as friend' and he knew it. No, it wasn't exactly brotherly like either. It was like each time he saw the brunette his heart would do flips, cheeks burned, and felt butterflies in his stomach. He was so happy.

Even when his only brother who remained alive was sent away somehow he was pulled from his depressive side. All thanks to Hashirama Senju of course. That boy always found a way to brighten his darkest days.

Huffing and puffing the boy smacked his cheeks and seemed to be pumping himself up. Madara could only stare in curiosity. The brunette finally aggressively nodded to himself and opened his eyes to look at the Uchiha. He could see a sudden burst of new happiness and confidence take over his persona. He felt a new wave of aura of glee overcome them both.

"Madara, I...I have something to tell you!" He shouted spooking the Uchiha. Hashirama reached into his pocket pulling out a tiny wooden box. The box was beautifully well carved with some sort of leaf designs around it. Madara awed and couldn't resist staring at how cool it looked to his eyes.

"I, well, for starters...I like you. I like you a lot." He paused closing his eyes as his cheeks burned up even more "Since the first day I met you...you caught my eye. Something about you captivated me. Your looks, your eyes, your caring side and your smile. My life hasn't been great but you changed it. You changed me. I always get happy knowing that you exist and that I'm lucky enough to see you. I love you...and this." His now trembling hands struggled to open up the box.

Finally as the lid came off two wooden but shiny rings were on a velvet fabric. Hashirama picked one up placing the box aside "This. Is for you. I have been working my hardest on this. Behind my brother and father's backs...wasn't the easiest thing to do but I did it. I know it doesn't look nice but I made it with all my heart." He ended as he brightly smiled at his best friend.

He grabbed his left hand, lifting it up as he held the ring nearby.

"I, Senju Hashirama, promise that one day... when we are old enough...that I will marry you, Madara Uchiha. Please except my promise ring. It would mean the world to me." He added as his smile went from ear to ear. If smiles could blind people Madara by now would have lost his sight.

He felt the world stop. Felt time freeze. Madara stared at the ring and the corner of his lips crept into a gentle smile "Of course I accept it." The brunette lunged forward hugging him as tightly as possible "I'm so happy to hear you say all of this...and to be honest I feel the same exact way about you. Thank you for coming to the stream of peaceful silence and letting me meet you." He felt the hug tightened.

"I love you too."


A/N: Thank you for reading chapter 1! I hope you are enjoying my story so far! Please be patient with me there's a chance I will lag in updating. I'm attending college and working part-time. Thank you once again! I really missed writing. :) <3

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