Broken promise

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Stunned, the raven haired boy stared at the other person who had arrived. It was none other than that white haired devil. He was confused as to how Hashirama's brother was able to find him moreso to even go out of his way. He felt his eye twitch in annoyance as the other teen had walked from tree to tree seeing carvings. He came to an abrupt halt as he spotted a familiar initial.

"H.S..." He carefully examined each section and then turned his attention to the raven haired "Who are you. What are you to my brother." He asked as he crossed his arms awaiting a response.

Madara was beyond confused and wondered what had triggered this white devil to go out of his way to track him down "First and foremost, why are you here? How did you find me? Answer me first and then I'll gladly respond." The albino rolled his eyes as he unwillingly agreed.

"I've told my brother about that time you came by the village asking for him. For that supposed training session." He paused "At first he was confused until I gave an exact detail about you. He was upset but at the mention of you made him cheerful. I asked him who you were and he declined in telling me anything more. So, I came to find you." He ended as he tilted his head "Tell me who you are and what you are to him." The raven haired was having another short circuit moment.

Hashirama was happy? About knowing that he had gone to see him? In a way Madara felt somewhat of a relief in his heart but still felt uneasy. He stared at the other "If he didn't tell you then-" the white haired teen shoved him to the ground.

"Don't give me that shit! I know something is going on between you two. Given by all these markings and changes in him, I know. I'll let you off with a mere warning." Madara glared from the ground but decided to hear some more "Stay the hell away from him! Forget about the abomination that happened between you two. He's moved on! You're already banned from our village as I told father that you are suspicious loiterer." He was practically fuming at the mouth and turned away but was tackled.

"Now listen here you little shit!" Madara had pinned the younger teen down and raised his fist. Before his hit could land it felt as if somebody stopped his motion. Glaring, his eyes travelled up and then gasped in surprise.

"Madara..." He stared at Hashirama who had intervened. He quickly stood up still staring. He didn't know if he was happy, angry or sad.

"Madara, listen..." The brunette calm said as he took a moment to breathe "Please, stop coming here..." He muttered as he looked away feeling his own heart beat in agony at each word "This is all in the past. I'm sorry I couldn't come to you sooner...I was being watched. Since Tobirama had left my father allowed me to go out alone. Madara, I'm so so-" The raven haired had enough and punched him on his jaw.

"Stop coming here?! It's all in the past?! Did you fucking forget your promise to me!? How could you..." Madara felt his blood boiling as he began to shake in anger. Tobirama had left to leave his brother to speak to him.

How? How can someone be so cruel? He thought as his mind began to race.

"I fucking waited years for this bullshit!? I loved you! How can you just fucking crush someone's soul like that?! HOW?!" He had grabbed a fist full of the brunette's collar in anger "Answer me Hashirama!" He glared at the silent boy who had refused to look him in the eye which pissed him off even more.

"At least have the fucking decency to look at me you coward! Just give me a reason. I just need to know, why?" Hashirama finally forced himself and saw such hatred in his eyes but what showed the most was pain. He was hurting and it hurt him too.

"This isn't safe. I don't want you getting hurt. I'd rather you hate me than you being dead." He shrank in horror as the Uchiha's ominous stare broke into a laughter "What kind of idiotic explanation was hurt me. You broke your promise. You shattered my very last hope and faith in what little humanity that was left that I've managed to experienced. Drop dead!" Madara pulled his ring off and chucked it into their little stream of water before storming off.

There stood a broken Senju.

If only you understood that I'm protecting everyone by hurting us...


The Senju had finally made it back home with his brother. Thankfully, Tobirama decided to not press him about anything and covered for them both as their father asked what had taken so long. The brunette sat in his room looking out of his window. He felt tears falling from his face and soon broke down into a silent sob as he held onto the ring that had been thrown.

He remembered the first day he had met his raven haired companion. How his face was stone-like at first and how he progressively broke those barriers down. He doesn't regret any second spent with him and how he longed to just run back to him.

It was true what Tobirama had said. Madara had been banned from the village since people started to notice that teen randomly pop up. He was grateful that nobody knew who he was and assumed he was a spy or rather that no one was comfortable with a wandering stranger who wasn't a Senju. Hashirama has heard speculations as to Madara being an Uchiha due to the boy looking eerily familiar to that clan. He was relieved that nobody took that seriously as they thought no Uchiha kid would be dumb enough to enter their enemy's territory. So, they went with him just being a lone boy wandering around.

He sighed. He hated this heart wrenching feeling that was consuming him and he knew Madara was most likely feeling worse.

"I'm so sorry..."


Madara rushed passed his fellow villagers and even his father as he went into his room. He decided to let his tears fall but he was angry. Very angry. He felt betrayed. Broken. He punched his wall over and over again in complete and utter anger.

The Uchiha was seething so much rage to the point where everyone knew to not bother him. Even his father was baffled by his newly found actions.

After hours the teen threw himself on his bed as he stared in anger out of the new giant hole in his room.

Knock! Knock!

"Go away! I'm not in a mood to speak with anyone!!" He shouted but the knockings continued. So he quickly got up and swung the door open and immediately his anger died down "Oh my god..."


A/N: Sorry for the delay! Been quite busy with life! I'm trying to update a few stories so thank you for being patient and for sticking around till this day! Much love! Bye!

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