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Two years later their once friendship had blossomed into what seemed to be a lively relationship. Hashirama was very content and so was Madara. Both always did their best to meet up even if it meant escaping their troubled homes. Nothing mattered. Just to see each other would help lift each other's day.

Madara had arrived at their spot which to his surprise Hashirama wasn't there. Was he late? The raven haired teen thought. No, what if he got caught? He sat on a fallen log awaiting his boyfriend. He blushed as he thought about that word. Madara was still shy when it came to caresses, kisses, hugs and well any kind of affection. Hashirama would chuckle at the poor shy teen's attempts each time.

This was odd. Almost two hours have passed and still no sign of his boyfriend. It started to worry Madara because from the two Hashirama was always the first to be here. Not one day was he ever late or missed like today.

Something was wrong and he felt it. He felt his heart throbbing. So he took it upon himself and went to look for his partner in crime.

Hashirama had told him where he lived in case of an emergency and to come find him whenever. So he made his way to the brunette's village which was almost two miles away from his own. He felt his heart pounding at the thought of seeing his joyful face again. He eventually made it to his village. He was amazed at the different culture that took place in this small area. He spun around trying to take everything in.

"Um, excuse me, do you know a Hashirama?" He had approached another teen with white short spiky hair. The teen turned and his facial expression looked that of an annoyed person.

"The heck?! How do you know my brother?! Who are you?!" The teen snarled at the Uchiha. Madara felt his own rage building up but decided not to make a scene "Brother? You're Hashirama's brother?!" The brunette did mention having one of his three brothers alive and well...but both never really went into much details on either side of the family.

"I asked you questions first. Who the heck are you and how do you know my brother?! I have never seen you around here!" The teen angrily waited for a response.

If his brother knew nothing of him then he shouldn't tell him anything. After all, it was a secret "Oh, he said we'd train today...sorry!" He said as he ran off but unfortunately for him the white haired teen was hot on his heels. The Uchiha kept running but came to a halt after hearing a familiar voice. It was Hashirama's voice. He peeked out of the corner and spotted the teen, two men, a woman and a teen. He noticed how the young red head teen looked at his Hashirama a certain way.

"-and I agree." The man who resembled Hashirama said to the couple with a smile. He could see his brunette shifting in an uncomfortable manner but didn't quite understand why. Out of nowhere he felt himself being pulled back.

"Hey! What the heck are your doing?" Madara looked at his attacker and much to his annoyance it was that white haired douche again.

"Nothing! Jeez back off already!" He smacked his hand off of him and left. Thankfully the other teen didn't follow him. Madara decided to head back to their small 'hideout from the world', is what Hashirama described it. He made it back decided to wait longer.

Night time hit and Hashirama never came by. It upset Madara to no ends. He was probably busy today he said to himself to keep himself calm. He walked back home.

"It's okay. Tomorrow is another day..."


Madara was even more eager today and escaped his home making his way to their spot. Once again, no sight of Hashirama. Was he really that busy? He asked himself. I did go seek him out and his brother saw me..so shouldn't he have came to check if I was okay? He sighed 'Well maybe his brother forgot to tell him? No, maybe he didn't want to tell him. I can't go back again.' Madara frowned. He gazed at the promised ring on his finger and hoped everything was okay and that Hashirama was just busy..

Months went by and still no sign of Hashirama. Not even a letter or a signal to let him know he was fine. Madara has even gone to go see him again but his foul brother always stopped him in his tracks. He was upset and felt like he was going crazy. In rare instance where he would sneak around the white haired devil he would see Hashirama from afar. He didn't seem happy but didn't seem sad either. It broke his heart to see him like that...his Hashirama was always bright and full of life but he seemed 'broken' and as much as he wanted to run up to him, he couldn't. It would most likely end up killing them both. So as he came he lurked back into the shadows leaving no trail behind.

Hashirama looked up at a specific tree. He had felt as if he was being watched. He sighed and his gaze met the floor. He had hoped that it was his lover. He frowned even more.

"It's okay. I got to see you. Tomorrow's another day...."


Not a day went by where Madara never went to their spot. His heart felt heavy and always clung onto what little hope remained which was the very promise Hashirama had made. So he was willing to wait even if it meant waiting a lifetime.

He picked and played with his ring. Around the wooden old ring were small jewels that Hashirama had embroidered along with their initials. He smiled so sweetly at how hard he had to have worked on these. He gave the ring a kiss before placing it back. Hashirama was okay. So was he. Everything was going to be fine again. Patience is the key. So everyday Madara went to their spot and relaxed there, remembering everything they said and did together.

"He's okay. I'm okay. Everything will be fine again. Tomorrow is another day for us....."


Another year had gone by and Madara still lingered at their spot. He made sure to leave marks and his initials on the trees to show that he has been here everyday...so that once Hashirama came he could see how much he truly loved him.

Just thinking about his reaction brought immense happiness to his heart.

He sat by the river and picked up a rock reminiscing those times where they skipped rocks. Hashirama was always the better one of the two and his grins were worth the loss.

The sun had set and he got up to walk back "Hey, you." Madara turned and his eyes widened.

There he was again...


A/N: End of chapter two! I'm really enjoying this story so much and hope that you are as well! Let me know what you think so far. Part three is in the works! Have a great one! <3

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