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As he opened the door he came face to face with his father whom held a letter and written across the envelope said " To: big brother." Carefully, Madara reached and gently grasped the letter. He was grateful that his father didn't press on his outburst but only gave him a stern yet concerning look. Sitting back on his bed, he opened the letter

"Hey, big brother, how are you? It's been a while and I miss you. I can't wait to see you again! I'll be able to visit in a few days. Well, I hated it here. People treat me like I'm a prince and often walk like they're on eggshells around me. However, I did make very few friends and they are so nice. I'm still mad at our father for sending me here alone but I understand...since he needs me to overlook his other land as he has you there. Are you in charge there? What does he have you doing? Enough about me, tell me about yourself! Did you make any friends? Tell me all of your adventures! I'll be eagerly waiting for your response big brother!"


Madara smiled at the letter and decided to write back almost immediately. He frowned as he didn't want to really write about what he has been through.

Dear little brother,

I'm so happy to hear that you made friends that you can rely on. I can tell that you're doing an amazing job, I'm proud of you. I look forward to seeing how much you've grown and changed. I, however, am doing okay. Father has me overseeing this entire area as he travels out a lot but I'm getting tired of it all. I want to just run away and hide from everyone, change my identity, and simply start a new life...with you of course. No, I haven't made any sort of friends because people are so fearful of me and it's ridiculous. There are small children who think that they are stealth as they follow me around, which is adorable. I think you'd like them. Obito, Shisui, and Itachi. Ring a bell? Well Obito is now 9, Shishi is 6, and Itachi is 5. They annoy me a lot but they are pleasant. We'll be waiting for you.


He smiled a bit as he neatly rolled up his letter and tied it with a black ribbon. He was so happy to see his little brother again but soon his mind filled up with Hashirama once more. Just hours ago his heart had been crushed and now he felt anger overtake his emotions again. He threw himself on his bed and sighed as he soon drifted off into sleep.


Two days later..


The raven haired male growled as he stomped towards his window. Sliding his window open, he glared at his fellow Uchiha.

"Madara-sama! We've spotted Izuna-sama approaching the front gates! I thought to let y-" in an instant Madara had leaped out his window and dashed to the gates. After depressingly hiding away all holed up in his room he felt this sudden overwhelming happiness spread across his being. He stood momentarily at the gate but was impatient so he sped off once more into the distance. After sprinting for a few minutes he finally saw his brother causing him to stop and gasp. Izuna then had also spotted him and decided to run towards him at full speed.

He felt himself fall back and realized that Izuna had lunged himself. He heard his brother laughing as hugging onto him tightly "Big brother!" He said as he pulled himself off and helped him up. They examined each other and Madara felt himself smirking "Oh, you haven't grown much." Izuna scoffed at his playfully remark "and you've grown wrinkles!" He received a scornful stare.

"I'm just joking! You look way more mature but...something seems off. I feel this overwhelming sadness from you...and we need to talk because there's something about your letter that threw me off." Izuna quietly said as he stared at his older brother who sighed "So, that's why you came earlier than expected..." the younger Uchiha simply frowned "What do you want to talk to me about?" both stood quietly before the eldest spoke up.

"What did you mean by you wanted to run away and start anew? What happened while I was gone? Don't even thinking about lying because just looking at the state you're in I can tell something is off. I can see it in your eyes too." Madara sighed once more "You know, stress. Anyway, let's head back." Izuna rolled his eyes but didn't want to press him further, for now.

The brothers decided to head back.


It was noon and the two sat at the dinner table along with their father "There's a clan that wants to combine with us." Izuna said as the two looked up "Oh? Which clan exactly?" Taijama asked "The Uzumakis. I've actually met Mito, the daughter. She's such a gentle soul. Her parents wanted to meet us so that's kinda why I'm here. They've asked to meet in two months." Their father only stared "No, we got things to do too and we have to come to an agreement. These couple of months are hectic and maybe in a year we can meet up. Izuna, you need to head back tomorrow morning and let them know. You also need to stay there and keep building up that area." The two young Uchihas felt stress overcoming them once more.

"Father, Izuna is barely 13 and watching over one of your lands. You've sent him away as a literal child. He was just 7 years old and you even had me working younger...at 5. I'm not saying he isn't capable but he needs to live his life. You stole his childhood so let him enjoy until he's at least 18." Taijama glared and Izuna stared in awe at his brother.

"No son of mine is going to slack around and be lazy. I did this for your own good an-" a sudden slam on the table startled both males "Our own good?! You've practically enslaved us and you don't care. You never even written to Izuna to check up on him. You never even checked up on me and I live here! You're ridiculous and a fool if you think I'm going to let you continue to exploit my baby brother." Both were now face to face glowering at each other. Izuna abruptly stood between the two trying to deescalate the situation.

"You're to head back tomorrow morning, Izuna." The youngest only nodded "I'm coming with. I already stated that I will no longer sit back and let you abuse him. I'll watch over this territory and the new area." Taijama stoped in his track and turned to face him again.

"Don't be foolish with me boy. I will let this go for now." He said as he walked off and before Madara can lunge at the man Izuna had held him back.

"Big brother please! It's fine. I'm okay. I can do this. Besides, had I not been there then no treaty with the Uzumakis would have been possible. I need to maintain that relationship until said meet up date. Remain here and please don't get on my father's bad side. I'll write to you everyday." Izuna pleaded with his older brother who reluctantly agreed after several minutes.

They spent the night exchanging stories and just spent as much time together as possible.


Madara felt the warm beaming light spilling through his curtains. It was already morning and much to his disappointment Izuna had left earlier without waking him. He glance at his bedside table and spotted another neatly folded letter.

'Big brother,

I know we didn't get to spend as much desired time together. Thank you for last night, for standing up for me. I don't hate father but I don't really like him either...I guess I can just barely stand his presence. Anyway, I know you haven't told me exactly what happened to you. I will completely wait until you feel comfortable opening up to me. Remember, I love you so never feel alone. Once you're fine with it, we'll talk in person. See you soon!


Madara felt tears streaming down his cheeks. As much as he wanted to reach out, he felt as Izuna already had too much on his plate. He felt himself sigh as he just went back to lay down, curling up as he silently kept sobbing.


Hello! Sorry for being away for so long. I had this in the draft and never published it lol. I apologize! I will be publishing another chapter today too...lucky I also have that one written out. If there are any errors I'll fix it soon lol..

Thank you for your patience!

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