Chapter 1

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As I'm walking around the isles late at night alone I hear electro-dance music thumping in the distance, I get up onto a rusty roof and look at where the sound is coming from, I see a big party going on in the distance and decide to get down off of the roof and head towards it. When I get there I see people dancing and hear the loud music banging, to the right of me I see a big barrel full of some sort of drink people keep getting refills from, I walk over and grab a cup out of someone's hand and get some drink myself, I take a sip and it is some sort of alcohol that is so strong it makes me cringe, as I go to take another sip I feel a hand snake around my waist and I jump, I feel a warm breath on my neck and I turn around to see it's Harry Hook, Captain Hook's son, he is holding a drink in his hand and and he is clearly pretty out of it, he is smirking at me while dancing to the rhythm of the music after he took a few steps back from me, I take another sip of my drink and look up and down at him "You're so drunk." I say coming closer to him and dancing with him, "So where's Uma?" I say trying to catch him off guard, he chuckles "She's not my girlfriend y'know?" He puts his hand around my waist and tries to lean in to kiss me, I grab his hand and lean back away from his face "We are just friends Harry, nothing more than that, I just can't forgive you for that time with Uma." He looks upset and puts his hand along my jawline forcing me to look into his eyes "Uma is dead." He says, he smiles at me and keeps dancing "What?" I say shocked, even though Uma was a horrible friend to me but I can't believe she is really gone, "Yeah, a week ago when she tried to fight mal for the throne mal killed her." I run my fingers through my hair and look back up at Harry who seems to be completely unbothered and keeps on dancing "Harry? Why aren't you more upset?" He crouches down to look me directly into the eyes "Because now we can be together, no distractions? Now you never have to stress over her and me, it's not like I ever actually liked her anyway." He tilts his head slightly not breaking eye contact, I try to process everything and I feel the alcohol kicking in, the music thumps loudly in my head and I try to form a sentence with all the thoughts jumping around in my head "Yeah" honestly I feel like that was shitty towards Uma but, who cares? She's dead. After he hears my answer which I think surprises him a little bit he stands back up and continues dancing sipping more of his drink and I chug the rest of mine and keep dancing hoping the alcohol will get rid of the guilt.

I wake up in a familiar room, with clutter on every flat surface and red paint splattered on wooden planked walls, I'm in a mattress on the floor that has several blankets and pillows messily put together, as I sit up from the bed my head rings and I put my hand on my head trying to remember how I even got here, "Good morning gorgeous," I hear a raspy voice say from across the room and I turn my head towards the door as he walks in, I groan squeezing my eyes shut and shoving my head in my hands, he walks over to me and sits on the bed next to me "I can't remember last night" I say looking back at him he smiles at me like he knows something I don't, "I think you know" he says getting up from the bed holding out his hand to me "Come I'll walk you home." I sigh and get grab his hand as he pulls me out of bed and walks down the hallway into the alleyway and towards the main markets through more and more alleys until we get to my house which consists of a secret door under my dad's relic store which lead to a basement where my room was, we walked under and he waved to my dad, him and my dad have always got along so well which always annoyed the hell out of me. We went into my room and I picked some different clothes out of my dresser to wear considering all I was wearing right now was a pair of Harry's boxers and one of his pyjama shirts "Hey where are the clothes I was wearing last night to that party? You have them right?" I ask "Yeah, I'll go get them for you be right back" he says leaning against my door, he winks at me and walks off. I put on a black crop top and a pair of leather red pants since that's all anyone wears here. Almost as soon as I'm done redoing my eyeliner from last night which was smudged Harry walks in with my clothes, I walk up to him and take them out of his hands and chuck them in my laundry basket, I walk back up to my full length mirror and sit on the floor infront of it and continue my eyeliner, Harry walks over to me and sits down on the end on my bed intensely watching me do my eyeliner, "Can you do my eyeliner?" He says smirking at me, I turn around to look at him holding the eyeliner in my hand laughing "You seriously want me to do it?" He nods and walks over and sits next to me "Pleaseee" he says in a singsong tone I smile at him and sit on his lap, I start applying eyeliner onto him and he looks right into my eyes which makes it hard to concentrate. "Alright I'm done!" I say getting off his lap and he goes over to the mirror to see what it looks like, he smiles and plays around in the mirror with funny poses, I walk over next to him and kiss him on the cheek he turns to look at me a little taken back- I didn't mean to kiss him I just got caught up in the moment, "What was that for?" He smirks at me "Nothing I just think the eyeliner suits you" I say walking over to other side of my room and I start climbing up the ladder I have which leads to the roof of my dads shop, I sit on the roof staring at all the clouds in the gloomy sky, he follows me up and sits next to me "Is this a good time to talk about us?" He says looking up in the sky along with me "Do you even still like me?" I say almost immediately after he asks, I stare at his side profile waiting for a response, I can see the corners of his mouth form a smile as he turns to face me "Of course I do." He says as he puts both of his hands on either side of my neck "Wait I see something over there look-" I try to turn my head but he holds me firmly and prevents me from looking "What are you doing? Let me look!" I say trying to move his hands off me "Please don't look y/n." He says as he glances over to the aqua coloured glowing light coming from across the isles, I look at him confused but slap him in the face and catch him off guard, he moves his hands as a reflex and I immediately look over and see...

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