Chapter 3

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It had been a week since we stole the red gem, and me and Harry had just been fooling around and trying to figure out ways to get through the border but ever since Mal lost the gem here they closed the border for good, Harry was starting to get angry we that we had this super powerful gem but nowhere to use it.

Me and Harry were sitting on my balcony together, he had one of his hands on my neck and the other on my thigh while he was kissing my neck when I had an idea-"Wait, Harry I think I know how to get out of the isle." He stops kissing me and looks into my eyes "Seriously?" He says staring to grin "Yeah but, I don't think either of us will enjoy this.." he turns his head in confusion "Well what is it?" I sigh assembling my thoughts "Uma" as soon as I say her name his smile fades and he backs away from my face "Let's get it over with then" he stands up holding his hand out and helps me up, we start walking to Uma's bar.

When we walk in everyone shoots us- me specifically -a dirty look, we finally have caught Uma's attention and she walks up to us "What do you want? You can't just walk in here like that." Uma holds out her small dagger "You both tricked me into trusting you then ditched me-" Uma said "But Uma you- Uma we have a proposition, and let's just say what we've all done to each other won't matter when we tell you." Uma turns her head out of curiosity "Go on" I take out the red gem and hold it out for her to see then quickly put it back in my bag safely "You find a way to open the portal, we share the crazy high power this gem holds out of the isles. Uma thinks for a minute "No" she yells as she uses her dagger to stab me and twist it around my guts, "Uma what the fuck!" Harry yells at her as he pushes her down onto the floor, she stabbed me in my stomach and I start bleeding out with the dagger still in my body, "Quick we gotta get you to Marty," "Who the hell is Marty?" I say as I pass out on the floor from the pain.

I wake up to a old wooden fan spinning above me and the sound of people talking on the news, I could feel bandages wrapped around my abdomen and a sharp pain in the right side of my lower stomach, I groan wishing I didn't wake up to this, "Harry? Someone? Hello.." I don't even wanna try sitting up, "Y/n!?" I hear Harry's British accent call from another room, I hear doors opening and closing then see Harry hover above me with relief on his face, "Y/n thank god you're finally awake.." he sits next to the rusty bed I'm lying on and holds my hand kissing my palm and fingers "Harry where is Uma?" I'll tell you when you are able to get up again, "Wait what-" I'm interrupted by a squeaky door opening "Hey Harry can we talk over here?" That must be Marty? We don't have doctors around here but I'm pretty sure he's the closest thing. I hear them vaguely talking behind me and I could only make out some of the words, Harry was worried for me and the doctor just reassured him it would take a week or 2 till I'm ok again but I'll be fine, which was expected. The next 2 weeks and a half Harry sat next to me looking after me and didn't leave other than to get food or something I needed, he even slept on the chair with his head most of the time on my arm. I know he is really clingy because of his rough childhood but I love him for it.

After 3 weeks I was pretty much healed and back on my feet. I asked him to show me where Uma was, I was worried he had done something.. bad. We got to the coast of the isles, and he just stood there pointing at the ocean, "What? She's in the ocean? Did she go full tentacles again?" I ask "Not exactly, but she is in the ocean.." I stare at Harry for a minute until I finally understand, my hand flies to my mouth and I step back in shock.."Harry? Did you.. kill Uma?" He looked at me innocently, "Yes- but it was for you I mean she stabbed you, you nearly died! I was so upset I thought you were dead so I killed her! I'm not proud of it but I needed to be honest." He tried to grab me to reassure me everything was okay but I moved out of the way "No- I need to be alone right now, sorry Harry.." I turned my back and walked off into the town, he was clingy but he respected my boundaries and let me go for a walk on my own.

I just walked around the isle for ages, trying to think about what to do.. so many thoughts in my mind.

It eventually turned dark and I started walking home, the isle is not safe at night, all of a sudden I noticed some hooded guy following me, every time I turned or stopped he would too, then I realised where I was, I was only a block away from Harry's house, I immediately changed paths and started walking to his house, then I realised the man behind me was getting closer, I sped up and started running scared out of my mind, he also started running, I wasn't the fastest because of my injury but I was still faster than him, I finally got to the alley where his room was, please be home Harry I thought to myself as I ran into his room as the same man followed me I banged Harry's door open and there he was thank god I ran over to him and yelled for him to help me, the man entered Harry's room and I only now realised he was holding a giant kitchen knife, Harry immediately got up from his chair where he was sitting and reached over to his underwear draw, I saw him pull out a knife- a knife?! Harry held it up at the man in the door way and pushed me behind him "What do you want with her?" He yelled at the man, the man realised he was actually ready to attack and he bolted out of Harry's room.

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