Chapter 4

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Harry sighed with relief and locked his bedroom door, "you are not going back out there tonight, you're sleeping here," he put his knife back into his draw and hugged me tightly, "I'm so so sorry for walking off Harry" I said "No I'm sorry it's not you're fault I just love you so much." I froze in our hug, he let me go and put his hands on my shoulders trying to understand if my reaction was good or bad, "Did you just s-" "No I didn't I didn't please pretend you didn't hear me say that." I hug him "I you too." He grabs my face and kisses me.

"Y/n.." Harry woke me up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night, I just groaned "mm?" "Do you actually love me or did you only say it because I said it? I'm really sorry for pressuring you y/n I-" I rolled over to see him muttering gibberish about being sorry and overthinking everything, sometimes he gets like this because of his childhood trauma.. he was just lying there, I cuddled up to him and put my hand on his chest, "Harry, I truly love you" he stopped thinking out loud and looked down at me "Oh, right I love you too of course I'm sorry I woke you up.." he shuts up and closes his eyes to sleep putting his arms around me "love you" I say before closing my eyes and drifting back to sleep.

We kept looking for ways to open the border until one day when we were at the markets, (stealing of course) we were fake looking at apples when I saw out of the corner of my eye the border glowing, I turned and saw mal and her friends, I grabbed Harry's hand and started running as fast as I could to the border, Harry saw the border too and eventually started bolting with me, Mal saw us and tried to close the border in time but we both jumped through, as soon as we got on the other side Mal tried to open it again to get us out but my bag started glowing red, I opened it and got out the crystal, I held it in my hands and me and Harry both held it together until it started shrinking, "Wait- what?" Me and Harry both just stood there watching it eventually turn to rest dust, we both just looked at each other shocked, until we looked up and saw Mal and her friends ready to fight us back to the isle, we
both held up our fists ready to fight, in the end we were both put back in the isle.

We were in my room and Harry was pacing my room while I was just lying on my bed "So what, now we are just left here to rot?" I looked up from the bed and sat up "Well we could always keep trying, or we could I don't know...focus on our relationship?" I say, Harry stops pacing "Wanna move in together?" He says sitting on the bed with me "Wow really?" I say "Yeah you could move into my house" Harry says with a giant grin on his face "Okay I will then."

After a week of moving everything out of my room into his house I was officially living there for the first night, "Hey y/n, let's go out to party I heard there's one going on tonight." He says looking through his 'party shirt' draw as he calls it, "Okay let's do it."

We get to the party and start walking around checking it out "Ooh y/n those are some of my old pirate friends mind if I go say hi?" Harry says pointing over to a group of guys "Of course Harry," he runs off and now I have to figure out where to go, I walk over to get a drink and see Evie, one of Mal's friends, I wonder why they are here? "Hey Evie," I say waking over to her "Y/n, why did you steal that gem, I know you aren't like that it was Harry's idea wasn't it?" I didn't think we would be talking about this, "It was a joint effort." I say "I can't believe it just shrunk like that I mean it was supposed to be more powerful than the fairy grandmothers wan-" Evie's hand flies to her mouth to stop herself from talking "Oh no I said too much.." she says looking around making sure Mal didn't hear that, "I didn't think anything was more powerful?" Evie and I were always friends since our parents knew each other so I made conversation to see if I could get any information about where she got it, but after there was nothing else interesting she could tell me about what it could do I said bye and went to find Harry.

Eventually I found him in a room with a bunch of people playing some kind of silly game that had beer involved, lots of it, I went over to Harry who seemed a bit out of it "Harry I know some really interesting stuff about that gem.." I whispered into his ear so no one could hear us, he just ignored me and grabbed me and pulled me close to him "Hey darling, where have you been?" He said into my ear placing his head on my shoulder in our embrace, I hugged him back "Harry you reek of beer..what have you been doing?" He nods at me then points to the game he was just playing "How do you play it?" I ask. The rest of the night I play the game with Harry and other people at the party, we both get pretty drunk. "Hey y/n is it true you're going out with Harry Hook? Because I'd love to take you out sometime." Some guy comes up to me putting his hand around my waist "Uhh" I wanted to get his hand off me but he intimated me, then I heard Harry come up behind me and tower over the guy hitting on me, "She's taken," he says as he pushed the man off me and once the guy gets up again he speaks "Hey man there's no need for that I just thought she was hot." Harry gives his drink to me and punches the guy straight in the face with his rings on, Harry pulls his hand back after punching him and adjusts his rings, "Harry jeez!" I say holding his fist in my hands checking him for bruises on his fingers, the guy gets up from the punch with cuts all over his face from the rings and a nice developing black eye, he just looks at Harry and turns around and walks off, "Sorry love, he was being creepy towards you and I can't have that can I?" He kisses the top of my head and wraps his arm around me walking me over to get another drink. "Harry let's go home," I say turning us around towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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