Chapter 2

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It's Uma. "Shit y/n you weren't supposed to see her." Harry says "Uma is still alive? Are you kidding me?" Harry looks down at his hands "Why did you lie about that?" I ask trying to understand why he did this "Because, I don't even like Uma, in fact I hate her! But you still won't be with me even though I know you love me just because she exists!!" I sigh "Harry..-" "No! Okay she doesn't mean shit to me! Why won't you understand that?" He looks at me with an angry look in his eyes and I feel stupid "I'm sorry- I thought you were still involved or-" "I'm not." He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes, we stare at each other for what feels like ages until he finally leans in and kisses me, I can feel his smile through our kiss.

Once we finish kissing we climb up onto a higher roof and walk around the roofs together, we walk around near where Mal and her friends used to hang out, I was kind of friends with Mal, but the only reason we got along was because we both hated Uma. Me and Harry got off the roofs and walked around the alleys until we saw 4 familiar people, "wait y/n," before I could walk up to them Harry holds me back around a corner and we both watch them and listen to what they are saying "I swear if we run into Uma or Harry we have to get out of here they can't know we are back here much less know we have this" Mal said as she held out some sort of red glowing stone, she put it back into her side pocket and I turn around to talk to Harry but see he is climbing up a roof to sneak around probably to grab the crystal out of her pocket, I follow him and he eventually snatched it out of her pocket without Mal noticing, he gives me the crystal and grabs my hand and we run back to my dad's shop, we both walk in and hear the bell it took my dad 3 hours to install ring as we walk through the door, we were both panting like crazy from running so fast, my dad walks up to us away from the counter, "Need some water?" He says handing me a bottle of water and I chug it until I've drunk about half and give the bottle half empty to Harry and he starts drinking, I walk up to my dads counter and place down the red glowing crystal, "So dad, y'know what this is?" I say picking up a bar of chocolate from under the register and eating it "Where did you get this?" My dad says, Harry walks up to me "Stole it from that purple haired traitor and her friends," Harry says looking proud, he snatches the rest of the chocolate bar out of my hands and scoffs down the rest then winks at me, I roll my eyes. We are watching my dad analyse it with all of his old tools "This is, well pretty much useless in the isle but, if you were to somehow get to Auradon, it's power would be intensely strong.." my dad says putting back down infront of us as we both look at him "Wait- how powerful we talking?" Harry says staring at the gem with greed in his eyes "I'm not quite sure what it can do but I've heard gems like this especially red ones are more powerful than malificent's sceptre, me and Harry look at each other as big smiles form on our faces "This was so helpful dad thanks" I say reaching behind the counter and grabbing my shoulder strap satchel and putting the magic rock inside of it, Harry puts his arm around me "Thanks so much." He smiles at my dad and turns around walking out, "love u dad" I whisper to him before running out and following Harry as we exit my dad's shop. "We have got to figure out how to get back to Auradon!" I say "We could just sneak in when Mal and her stupid friends go through," Harry says "Good idea let's do that, but they probably won't go back for a while since they don't have the stupid crystal, they might still be out here looking for it."
"Ohhh shit yeah.." Harry says, I nudge his side "Haha we didn't really think this through did we" we both start walking down into my room and we both sit on my bed laughing together, I take the crystal out of my bag and put it on my bedside table, I turn back to face Harry and he is sitting down on my bed patting his lap, I smile at him and come lay on him so my head is on his lap and my feet are nearly dangling off my bed "You're so pretty." He says tracing my face with his finger, "You're not so bad yourself." We are both looking into each others eyes and not breaking eye contact I lift my arm up and put my finger under neath his eye "You're eyeliner is still in contact" he chuckles and keeps staring at me "Y/n, I lo-" "We know you have the gem y/n!" We both sit up startled and I grab the gem and put it into my bra in a panic, he giggles to himself, "Mal?" I say looking up and seeing Mal and her other 3 friends climb down my balcony ladder next to my bed "Wait a minute..Harry?" Mal says looking at him confused "Why are you here?" She says, Jay steps in "I think maybe they ar-" Mal interrupts him "Is this what I think it is y/n?" I stand up from my bed "Mal I'm so happy with Harry." Mal stands astonished "Are you serious? He basically cheated on you!" Mal yells at me "Yes but we weren't technically dating and they were both drunk and you haven't heard everything Harry said to me.." Mal sighs "It honestly doesn't matter that's not why we are either of you have the gem?" "Gem?" Harry says convincingly, I put on an intrigued look and walk closer to Mal "You have a gem?" "Ok guys they obviously don't have it let's keep looking we haven't asked Uma yet let's go.." Mal and the rest of them climb my ladder back up to the balcony and slide down my roof onto the alleyway and head towards Uma's bar, Harry bursts out laughing after they leave and I take out the gem from my bra laughing my head off with him.

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