Chapter 10

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Emma Granger sat watching the young redhead walk back and forth covering the same piece of carpet again and again.

"Ginny please stop! You wearing out the rug isn't going to help them. Come over here and sit with me."

"Oh Emma I'm just so worried, I know they can take care of themselves but I wanted to help!"

Ginny sat on the sofa with Emma who put her arm comfortingly round the girl.

"Listen Ginny, when Harry and Hermione faced Voldemort Dan and I were with them."

Ginny looked at her with part astonishment and not a little awe.

"Dan and I thought that being there would help and couldn't have been more wrong! We were so far out of our depth I was terrified. Had anything went wrong we would have been liabilities, someone could have been hurt trying to keep us safe while Harry and Hermione wouldn't have been able to concentrate for worrying about us."

Ginny was beginning to understand as Emma continued

"If Harry and Hermione know their loved ones are safe it allows them to concentrate on protecting each other. I can see they both love you and know you love them but this is the best way we can help, by staying safe and letting them do their stuff"

Ginny sighed, "I know your right but I feel so helpless. This is so hard!"

Emma gave a rye smile, "I never said it was easy! That's my only child out there and I don't care what some age spell says she's still my little girl and if anything happens to her…"

"If anyone even looks like harming Hermione then all hell will break lose in the shape of Harry, Dobby and Winky!" said Ginny

The tears were slowly running down Emma's cheeks as the roles reversed and Ginny now comforted the woman who was effectively her grandmother – Potters sure don't do normal!

Sirius was enjoying his newfound freedom; a visit to Gringotts had been followed by a quick trip to the barbers and then onto Madam Malkin's.

It was now a very different Sirius Black that was sitting in Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor drinking coffee while people watching.

Remus sat beside his friend contemplating the changes in his life since last week.

He now had a job, was wearing new robes Sirius had bought him along with the dress robes ordered for Harry and Hermione's wedding and sitting having coffee in public with his friend for the first time in over thirteen years.

Any one of those events, and new robes was an event would qualify as a red letter day in the life of Remus Lupin but all of them together had him slightly worried.

It seemed every time Remus got a break the shit would hit the fan and he'd be back to square one or lower. With a boost of this proportion the relevant downturn would require dragon dung and a propeller!

The Hogwarts professors heard the commotion heading towards them and when they saw the imposing figures leading the procession both men were out of their seats, heading towards their two favourite teens and all thoughts of the planned visit to the Apothecary forgotten.

Hermione saw them first and waved, "Sirius, Remus over here! We're going to have a little chat with the Wizengamot, should be fun if you've nothing better to do!"

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