Chapter 15

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Daphne Greengrass reasoned her father would have more important things to worry about than his daughter speaking at the dinner table, like the sword of Gryffindor held at his throat by a very angry Harry Potter, so she decided to chance it

"Potter, what are you doing here and how did you get in?"

"Well I know it's not quite the same as destroying our wedding but we thought disturbing the man who organised the attack at his dinner would have to do" said Harry with venom in every word.

The three Greengrass witches went even paler, it had been all over the prophet for a few days now that the investigation was progressing and all the people involved would be caught, father had said it was nothing but mindless scaremongering to get the idiots surrendering themselves as the ministry hadn't a clue.

Astoria thought if her sister could speak at the table then so would she

"Surely you're mistaken, father wouldn't be involved in anything like that"

"Your father has done a lot worse, would you like to explain to your family how you put our whole world in peril?" said Hermione

"It's you who put our existence in peril trying to teach purebloods to be muggles, our world must stay secret from the muggles or it will be destroyed! My plan will keep them looking elsewhere while we live in peace," screamed Adrian

"You really are a stupid egotistical bastard, have you never heard of 'hide in plain sight'. Pureblood witches and wizards get spotted so easily in muggle situations because they haven't a clue how to act. We plan on changing that then your daughters will be able to travel the world without fear of being discovered because they can't switch on a light or use muggle money," said Hermione

Harry continued, "your father's plan of funding and supplying terrorist groups keeping the muggle authorities too busy to notice us is barbaric and fatally flawed, to then supply the terrorists with magical items that allow guns and explosives to be undetectable by the muggle security systems is idiocy taken to extremes. He bought a small business over and had them adapt their products so muggles could use them."

Daphne's face was turning the colour of her surname, "That breaks the statute of secrecy, if the muggles ever found one of those items the magical world would be exposed and blamed"

Hermione answered, "the groups your father supports have been leaving explosives on busy streets killing women and children, every branch of the muggle government is looking for them and it's only a matter of time before someone's caught"

"They are all too stupid to catch anyone, they will never be found" boasted Adrian

Daphne screamed "father you are a moron! Harry and Hermione found you in THREE DAYS, your sitting there with a sword at your throat, boasting people are too stupid to find the scum that follow their delusional leader. If this gets out it wont just be Britain, muggle governments all over the world will start searching their countries for magical communities and wiping them out. The name Greengrass will be cursed for millennium, give me that sword Potter I'll kill him myself!"

"I appreciate the sentiments Daphne but we need some answers first, if we can put a stop to this before the muggles discover our involvement we might just manage to save the situation," said Harry

"I'm the head of a old pureblood family and I know my rights, I demand to appear in front of the Wizengamot" shouted Adrian

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