Chapter 29

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Carol Burns sat on the bus having what had come to be known as 'a Potter moment' while she contemplated the effect the former object of their torment had on her life, Hermione had literally saved it.

The Lily Potter clinic was more like a high class hotel than a hospital and the treatment had been world class, Carol knew that there wasn't a hope in hell her family could have afforded their 'little girl' to be admitted here, far less have her mother stay as well. The Burns girls had been treated like princesses and Carol had been cured of a disease that should have claimed her life.

Her return to school had not been what she expected, her 'friends' had been pleased to see her but Carol felt unable to participate in their usual gossip which was basically character assassination spoken just loud enough for the target to hear. Carol already felt unworthy of the precious gift she had been given by Hermione and swore she wouldn't repay her by slipping immediately back in to her old ways.

This change was soon picked up on and it didn't take long for the first jibes to be aimed in her direction, well they all knew she was wearing a wig so it was an easy target. When she got home Carol found herself wondering how Hermione had dealt with it and decided to take away their power over her, she went to school without her wig and a few people commentated that her short blond hair was nice.

When Hermione had invited her to their island home over Easter Carol assumed that was just the kind of thing that people say over the holidays 'oh you must come to our house' thing. When they received the letter arranging a meeting with Miss Black two weeks ago Carol was shocked and Tina suddenly became her best friend again after practically ignoring her for weeks.

Tina's father apparently knew the Grangers and had been trying to get an invitation to the golf course without having any luck; they were planning on using this as an opportunity to invite themselves.

Tina Elliot's adventure was over before it began and Carol had to bite her lip otherwise she would have laughed her head off at the way Miss Black deflated the pompous prick that was Tina's father. He had claimed that he was unhappy at his teenage daughter being unaccompanied on some unknown lord's private island.

Miss Black just said "OK" and turned to Carol, "Lady Hermione prepared for this eventuality, rather than have you travel and holiday alone, Lord and Lady Gryffindor would like to extend their invitation to the entire Burns family."

Carol just glanced at her mum and dad before replying, "Please thank Harry and Hermione for us and say we would be delighted to accept."

Tina was fit to be tied at her father costing her the holiday of a lifetime and, to make matters worse, Carol would still be going. The Elliot's stormed out leaving a now smiling Narcissa with the Burns's, "Sorry but Hermione's parents thought he might try something like that and I'm under orders that there's no way our family wants to put up with them for a week. Now we are very informal on the island with sleeveless and shorts being worn only when swimwear isn't." Robert Burns glanced towards his wife and daughter, all had the same thought - the boys would be over the moon.

"Now unfortunately we have a formal function that I am not allowed to speak about yet but our tailor will visit your home and get your measurements, look at colours, fabrics, styles and whatever you choose will be waiting when you reach the island."

Carol just sat there finding the whole thing surreal as her mother asked, "Is there anything we need to take with us?"

"Just turn up at the airport with your passports and remember your bikinis, the sun can get quite fierce so we have our own skin care products, we are going to just have a week of fun on the beach, good food and even better company. There will be plenty of golf for anyone who plays and I know there's a shopping trip planed to one of the nearby islands. Everyone on the island will be there for a well eared break."

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