Chapter 12

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 The day passed quickly and it got dark outside. I was chilling with Clint and Bruce at the living room’s couch as Steve came inside and sat right next to me. Where Bruce actually sat but he had to slide a seat away from me for Steve. Steve's action surprised me and I remembered back to his words from last night which I had forgotten because of my hangover. “Bruce always stares at you like every other man. This makes me really angry. I don't want any man to look at you.”That's what he said and it made me realize he is jealous.

Steven Rogers is jealous of any man who wants something from me. It made me smirk and I looked at the soldier right next to me. I padded my hand on his shoulder making him look at me. “Wanna go to yours and watch a movie?” I asked Steve because the jealous tension between him and Bruce was ruining mine and Clint's relaxed mood. “Would be great. Let's go.” I winked a goodnight to the boys as the soldier and I walked to his room. I still wore his shirt and his shorts and I have to confess they are again very comfy. He opened his door and I walked past it giving him a glare to not call me Lady again like the last time.

“So you remember?” He asked carefully and I nodded with a teasing smile. “Every single word, Rogers. Every single word.” I repeated to make him nervous. This really worked. He was staring. “Thank you for taking care...” I paused now sitting myself back on his bed. “...I owe you.” And I looked down and he just said,“It's okay.” Joining me on his bed grabbing the remote. “Nahh. You always do that Steve. And I can't repay your actions. I'm really trying to take care of you too...Tell me what can I do for you?” “You could shut up because that's what I'm there for and I'm not gonna stop. Now choose the movie and don't overthink that much” He now grumped with a bossy tone and gave me the remote. Wow Steve just told me, a woman and his bossy best friend to shut up. I know that I asked but that was honestly….sexy. I randomly chose a romantic movie because we both would probably fall asleep quickly.

I got more comfortable under the blanket with my head laying on Steve's chest and his arm resting around my waist. He now got close to my ear and whispered with a husky voice. “You know? Normal friends don't sleep at each other's places every night” Which made me nervous. 
Very nervous. Again. What is going on with me? He only had to look at me and I tensed. “But we aren't normal friends, right?”
I asked now looking in his eyes which were not even an inch apart from mine. “I don't know. This is about who you want me to be.”

Now slowly killing the inches apart us. For me it was clear. I wanted him. Steve's lips were barely touching mine as we felt a draft from the wall direction and we both pulled away. “Oh I'm absolutely sorry, Captain” Vision spoke up very embarrassed about the situation after flying through the wall  “It’s okay but we talked about this” Steve sighed, turning to Vision and grabbing my hand under the covers. I didn't know how to handle this so I let my hand in his and kept staring at the blanket. Steve kept talking with Vis about stuff I didn't listen to.

We would have kissed. Steve and I would almost have kissed. What am I supposed to do? I really am confused. Does he want me like I want him? “Nat. Are you ok?” Steve squeezed my hand gently now looking very concerned at me because I was lost in my thoughts.
“Just tired. Can we skip the movie? I really wanna sleep” Vision was already gone and I didn't notice this because of my thoughts. “Sure. Everything for the Lady.” He teased me which earned him a death glare and a pillow hit in his face from me. He shot the television off as I laid myself back on my right side and he hugged me from behind. “Steve?”
“Yeah?” He answered in a whisper. “Don't ever leave. Not like the others.” My mound spoke out with a little hint of sadness in it. Everyone always leaves or dies. He can't. He can't leave. He can't die. I would not get over this. Not over him. He now held me tighter to himself and laid his hand back on my stomach under my shirt like he did it yesterday. “I promise” He whispered against my neck to calm me. I turned around and looked deep in his blue eyes. I still can't tell myself how I brought this over my heart but I just leaned forward and kissed him. Goosebumps all over my body and tingling on my lips at his touch. 

SAFE (romanogers ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt