chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Oh it seems like all of you guys are here.." all of us turned around to see a big white glowing ball.

I looked at everyone observing their movements or expression, and it seemed like they know who this light white gentle ball.

"Oh yes, we're so sorry about this mess, we forgotten what we were here for, for a moment, it seems like time flew by, fast kamito-sama" said himawari-sama to the ball who i now know the name is, kamito.

"Ahahhaha! Well now that all of you are here, including the boy naruto uzumaki, we can now proceed to give him our blessing, to guide him, and protect him with all our strength!" Said kamito, the other balls nodded, as they began to surround me.

I felt scared and confused, and it seems like kamito noticed it and said something that make me feel safe, and warm for some reason.

"Don't be scared my child, we are going to protect you for enternity, and even if you die again we will always be right by you're side" saying that, like magic i calmed down, though it felt weird by what he said to me again?

Wait again? Why do i thought of this again? Why? Why does this making my head hurts it felt like i forgotten something!? What-

"Are you ok?, my child? You look a little pale.." kamito asked, i snapped back, i looked at kamito and reassured him that i'm ok, wait what did i thought of again? Ugh never mind.

I shooked my head, back to the gods, and they instructede to sit down, i obeyed, and satted down, and then they began to chant something, at an uknown language.

"We, the creators of the world, We the deity's we shall bestow this child uzumaki naruto the god's child our gift and will it be his last life or first, never let the child be lost at our gazes up at the heavens above, And not to be harmed again by those evil creatures,

May the god's bundle of joy, Naruto Uzumaki, the first and our last fellow awakened it's powers." As the balls chanted something, their bodies and my body grow lighter and lighter until all i can see was white.

I closed my eyes and hissed at the brightness so i closed my eyes to prevent it to be more lighter, so that i won't harm my eyes.

Their chanting was slowed down and seems like they finished their chantings.

I opened my eyes slowly and the brightness of their bodies finally brighted at the same amount as they normaly bright.

"Now do you want to be reborn now naruto?" Asked the baby pink ball wich was the goddess of love and aphrodite asked.

.....did she just say reborn?! They looked at my expression as they face palmed. "Sigh typical naruto, you didn't listened when we explained to you earlier today right?" The green ball asked. I embarrassingly nodded, as i could feel my face heating up.

"Sigh" they once again explained that i will be reborned at another world, they also explained that the angel who was supposedingly delivered my soul at the world that i'm going to reborn as accidentally dropped me at my current world or past world.

So that's how i was created, but why so i feel like they're still hiding something more? Sigh never mind.

"So when am i going to go?" I asked the balls, "Now, human" the baby blue ball said.





"Well i guess it's now a goodbye for us then..." i said sadly looking down at my feet.

"Well we can still communicate my child, so whenever you needed anything just call us" himawari said as i felt a warm hand at my face and a soft and warm thing in my forhead.

"Remember, go to the light, at the end of the tunnel my dear." She said as i hugged each one of them bidding my farewells to each one of them.

"It is now time to go, my child, everyone get ready" kamito said as he grab a stuff and the others surround me with a wand floating next to them.

"You are now going to where you were supposedly belong, Be safe, And don't forget us you're □□□□□□ goodbye Naruto Uzumaki, for now as the god you're □□□□□□ will always protect you" they chanted in their language as their wands lighted up, i closed my eyes and prepared myself as i got swept up by the warmness around my body.

               To. Be. Continued.

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sayonara~!

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