chapter 7

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Few years later, and now naruto is 5 years old, he and nisora didn't really hang out anymore, as nisora was really busy, with his job, and ninja stuff, but, they still talk, and whatsoever.

And today the little boy, ran away from the mad villagers, like all the other nights, but this time, he was set up.

Naruto's pov.

This night is not really that special, as the mad, and drunk villagers were running after me, a five dang year old kid, like can't they had anything better to do?

Oh right, they don't, as they have so many dang free time, to waste on chsing a dng five year old kid, who doesn't even know why they all chsing him, like a predators.

I took a left, and then i took a right yo!

I ran as fast as i can, to get my presence, disappear out of they're sights, and now, i think i lost them, ugh about time!

Just as i was about to take a breath, something, or someone, took my arms, roughly, and roughly, grabbed my hair.

"Got you kiddo!" The man shouted, as i grab my head, to ease the pain, the mad villagers were already here.

"Ahaha! Now let's finish what the fourth had started!" Sid the man, then soon the villagers who took a part of the 'fox hunt' all cheered as they started, to throw some sharp things at me, carving the sharp things on my skin, such as 'demon, die, sl-t, k-ller' and the list goes on.

And i can't even fight back, as they can make that as an excuse, to banned me, or execute me, for harming them.

"N-noo! Ittai!" I begged, as they cut my flesh open, but in reality, i was enjoying the blood, flowing out of my arm, you see, when in the past, or my past life, i was quite a suicidal person, but that soon stop, when i got in the idol program.

As you know, that we can't have any scar mark on any of our body, so i soon stop, so that i can enter the idol, and it doess work, but there were sometimes when i want to hurt myself, but i ignored it, and tried to focus on my idol life.

But i'm kinda glad, for the villagers, it has been so long since i felt this, but maybe it's because of my small body, but i kinda feel dizy...

"Hey! ~~~~~~~!!!" I couldn't hear anything, but it sounds like somebody was stopping them, but i could be wrong...but it sounds so chaotic though....soon i felt myself getting carried by someone, i tried to look at them, but it was all blury, bjt then i passed out.

??????s Pov.

As i was patroling the area, i heared some people cheering, that's weird, there should be no one awake, in the middle of the night...curiousity, got the best out of me, and decided to peek, at the people.

It wouldn't hurt...right? Ugh f-ck it, i sneek behind the people, and found a little kid, who was at the floor bleeding.

"HAHAAHA!!! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET DEMON!" I heared one of the guys said, feeling furious, i shouted at them.

"Hey! What are you doing, to the poor boy?!" The group freezed, and slowly looks at me, "t-the demon started it!" Ugh, are they playing dumb, or are they just straight up stupid?

I kicked they're butts, and called my partner, who was with me, patroling the area.

"Bro, you should go at □□□□□ in an alleyway, over" i said to the new invented, thing.

"Got it, over" the other one replied, i putted the device down, and slowly carried the boy, poor girl, she is soo pale, and so bruised, i should get her treated soon, i thought, as i carried her, and fastly went to the meet up area.

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