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It seemed like it had been hours since someone had been in contact with us. When in reality it had only been about 30 minutes.

We were going crazy. Not knowing was really killing us. I needed to be with my husband and I know Cameron felt the same way.

"This is bullshit!" Cameron yelled, throwing a beer bottle up against the wall.

James jumped as the bottle shattered, glass flying around the room.

"Calm down bro" I started, swallowing hard. "We'll get them back. I promise you that." I said.

Cameron sighed, trying to fight back the tears threatening to spill out at any moment. "If they hurt Sam I swear to God I'll kill them." He added, flipping  down on the couch next to me.

Just then my phone went off. I grabbed it quickly and read over the message. It was sent from Ben's phone, so I knew it was them.

-come to this address within an hour. Again, don't bring anyone or they die.- he added.

I nodded as I sent an "okay" reply. My heart raced. I swallowed hard, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill at any moment.

"We have an address" I said, glancing down at the address on my screen.

Cameron and James nodded and we hurried outside,

James offered to drive, which was a good idea. Neither Cameron or I was in any shape to drive right now.

I sighed and slid in the passenger side, Cameron had opted for the back and shut the door behind me. They had to be okay. They had too. I would never forgive myself if something bad happened to either one of them,

The ride was in complete silence, the only sound heard was that of the turn signal.

I swallowed hard when the car came to a stop and James cut it off.

We were here. I opened my door and slid out of the car. James and Cameron following suite. We hurried to the door, knocking at it softly.

It didn't take long for the door to open and two men stepped outside to greet us. "You came alone, correct?" They asked us.

We nodded.

The two men stepped to the side, allowing the three of us room to come inside. "Go on in." They said.

My eyes traveled across the room, looking for any signs that he had done something to my husband. Or Sam. There was nothing.

"Don't bother looking for them." One of the two began "you're not going to see them. Not now anyway."

"You'll hear them though" the other smirked. Pushing us toward the couch against the wall.

What were they planning? I was sick to my stomach and the only thing running through my head was we had to get them out of there.

Alone In A Room Where stories live. Discover now