New Mission

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Six weeks pass. Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu have all improved greatly. They're near being fully healed. Kyojuro has just finished a meeting with Ubuyashiki.

"Are you heading into battle?" Shinobu asks as Kyojuro adjusts his sword and haori.

Kyojuro turns around.

"Ah, Kocho! We just got some new information about a demon, and the Corps members who went to confront it were taken out. We're losing ranks and fillers, too, now. We can't stand by and do nothing!"

"Could it be a Twelve Kizuki?" Shinobu asks.

"Most likely, yes. It might even be an Upper Rank." Kyojuro explains.

"It sounds like a difficult mission, but as long as you're going, Rengoku, there's nothing to worry about!"

Kyojuro smiles.

"Kocho! What's your plan for taking in that head butting kid? You mentioned possibly making more room for Tsukugo, but I'm sure that's not the reason."

"Don't worry. It's not as if I'm going to gobble him up." Shinobu jokes.

"Well, of course you wouldn't!"

Kyojuro laughs as he walks away.

"Do be careful." Shinobu whispers under her breath.

Kyojuro heads back home to see Riri. He doesn't have to leave until tomorrow.

"How was your meeting?" Riri asks as Kyojuro walks through the front door.

She's chopping up vegetables.

"It went alright! Unfortunately, Corps members are dropping left and right! I have a new mission! I leave first thing tomorrow morning!"

Riri sighs.

Kyojuro notices her shift in mood. He walks up from behind her and wraps his hands around her waist. He rests his head on her shoulder as she continues chopping vegetables.

"It will be okay Riri! I will return home safely, ready to continue to take care of you as well as our unborn baby!"

"Normally I don't get worried when you go on missions, but now that I'm pregnant, I'm scared. I don't want to be a single mother as well as a Demon Slayer. And more importantly, I don't want to lose you."

"You won't have to be a single mother! I've always been careful, but I'll be even more careful now!" Kyojuro reassures.

Riri smiles. She kisses his forehead. Kyojuro can barely keep his eyes open as he rests his head on her shoulder. He's so exhausted.

After Riri cleans the kitchen, her and Kyojuro go on a walk. They reach headquarters. The two of them sit down. Kyojuro kisses Riri's baby belly.

"I can't wait to meet our child." Kyojuro says.

Riri pulls Kyojuro in and kisses him softly. They gaze into each other's eyes. Kyojuro pulls her in again. He presses his face against hers and kisses her as hard as he can. He places his hand on Riri's thigh and rubs it slowly. The two of them pull away.

"Please be careful. I'm begging you." Riri says.

Kyojuro grabs her hand.

"I promise."

Riri has a really bad feeling.

The two of them continue walking, and they decide to go to the Butterfly Mansion to get some food to make dinner. Riri knocks on the door and Aoi answers.

"We're here to get food!" Kyojuro exclaims.

Aoi rolls her eyes.

"You guys need to get your own food. But, help yourselves."

Riri and Kyojuro enter the pantry. Kyojuro closes the door. He pulls Riri in for a passionate kiss. They release.

"What was that for?" Riri asks, giggling.

"Just because I love you!" Kyojuro replies.

A tear rolls down Riri's face. She adores Kyojuro more than anyone or anything. The two of them begin grabbing food and putting it into a little basket to bring home. When they walk out of the pantry, Kyojuro grabs a bean paste bun on the counter. He takes a bite.


Riri laughs.

When the two of them get home, Riri grabs the pre-chopped vegetables, and Kyojuro begins making noodles. Riri comes up from behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. Kyojuro smiles. He turns around and picks Riri up. He sets her on the counter and stands in between her legs. He kisses her softly. Riri wraps her arms around his neck as the two begin to make out. Kyojuro moves his hands up her thighs.

"You're everything." Kyojuro whispers.

The two embrace. They hold onto each other tight, almost as if they're in their final days.

After their long embrace, they begin cooking again. Kyojuro pours the noodles into a bowl. He grabs a few and throws them at Riri.

"Ew! They're all wet!" She yells.

She grabs some minced vegetables and throws them at Kyojuro. He catches a few and throws them back. He walks up to her and wraps his arms around her as they laugh.

"At this point we'll never get to eat if we keep messing around like this!" Riri says.

"It's worth it!" Kyojuro replies.

"I think you and I both know that you don't mean that." Riri jokes.

"I mean, I do, but I would like to eat!"

The two of them sit down at the table after they finish serving their meal. Kyojuro takes a bite.


He takes another bite.


"How can he be so annoying yet so adorable at the same time?" Riri asks herself.

The two continue eating. Kyojuro stops.

"You have pretty eyes."

Riri looks up at him in surprise, Noticing he had stopped eating and was focused on admiring her.

"Thank you, your eyes are pretty too." She replies rather awkwardly, focusing on the utensil he was twirling in his hand.

He smirked at her response. The two of them blushed as they looked at each other with so much love in their eyes.

That night, Kyojuro held Riri tight. He had to leave early tomorrow morning. He pulled her in close and rested his forehead on hers. He looked at her and kissed her cheek. Riri smiled in her sleep. It was probably the cutest thing Kyojuro had ever seen.

"I love her. More than anything." He thinks to himself before closing his eyes to sleep.

The next morning, Kyojuro left with his crow immediately. Looking back at Riri as he left, he prayed for his own safety, as well as hers.

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