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"hi, everyone. this is your pilot speaking. we are estimated to land at heathrow airport in about 15 minutes. all checked-in luggage can be found at carousel 7. thank you!" just like last time, the announcement was made once in french, then in english.

what? carousel 7? i'm not at the amusement park? your blurry thoughts confuse you and then it hits you. you quickly jerk up from your "twenty minute nap" and look around.

shit. i missed the snacks.

you have no idea what song you're listening to now- the playlist probably rolled onto other songs. you pack all your stuff into your backpack place it on the seat besides you.

glancing at your phone, you realize you haven't checked it before you fell asleep. many texts and notifications get you thinking straight after sleeping through the flight.

hi sweetie! how was your flight? dad and i can't wait to see you again!

wilbur misses you, tell the plane to hurry up

that reminds you to see if wilbur has responded to the text you left him an hour ago. fortunately, he did.

alright, cool! have a great flight!! text me when you land so the guys and i can come pick you up

we're landing in about ten minutes. i still have to get my luggage from the carousel though. with all the in-between airport shit, it'll be at least half an hour before i see you :((

no worries, just keep us posted

you've always loved watching planes take off and land ever since you were a little girl. you watch as the plane wades through the fluffy black clouds and lowers itself. soon, you can see the beautiful city of london all lit up in contrast to the dark open sky surrounding it.

i'm so glad to be home, you think to yourself.

you quietly sigh and put your backpack on, all prepared for landing.

"flight attendants prepare for landing, flight attendants prepare for landing." the pilot says in english.

the plane starts to shake a bit as it gets closer to the ground, but you don't mind, you've always found turbulence quite amusing.

the plane lands, and you get up once the seatbelt sign turns off. a guy who's around your age offers to grab your luggage for you, but you politely decline.

"nah, i've got it. thanks, though." you scoff to yourself and "nonchalantly" grab your bags from the overhead bin.

"damn, girl. alright, impressive." he smirks and looks you up and down, which causes you to give him "one of your glances"

"what's your name?" he adds.

"not that it's any of your business, but it's izzy." you tell him sternly before turning around to walk down the plane aisle.


all you want is to get to wilbur and the gang as soon as possible. you fast walk out of the gate once everyone is off the plane, and you make your way to baggage claim.

lmao, i pretty sure some guy tried to hit on me. i got off the plane tho and i'm at baggage claim. i cant wait to see you!!!

as you wait for your luggage, you text wilbur again and smile as you hit send. it finally hits you that you'll see your boyfriend of three years in real life after a whole season away at school. and tommy and everyone else too, of course.

when the black and light purple suitcase comes around the carousel, you shuffle over to it and pick it up. now you've got two suitcases, a backpack, and a rumbling stomach— the result of sleeping through snack time on the plane. you wait for your last suitcase to come around, and then you ask wilbur where he's waiting for you.

if you go right after you get out the front doors, you'll see us. we're just a couple cars down.

alright coming! i can't waittt

you make your way through the bustling hallways of heathrow and exit through the main doors. the crisp, cool london air hits you, and it's definitely refreshing after being cooped up inside a plane the whole evening. the excitement inside you quickly builds up, along with a bit of nerves. "why am i nervous? izzy, cut it out."

you quickly take a deep breath and look to your right. suddenly, you see a giant blueish-green glob running towards you.

oh my gosh.

you drop your stuff and run towards him. you jump up and he spins you around- it feels like you're floating. he has you propped up over his face; you've forgotten how strong he really is. you finally take a look down at him. soft, fluffy brown hair flopping over his forehead, gorgeous dark eyes looking up at you, and a smile that can light up the whole world.

"i can't believe it's really you." you whisper, he almost didn't hear it. you place your hands on his cheeks and look down closer at him.

he puts you down, but he brings you closer to him by pulling you in by your waist. he now needs to look down at you because of the big height difference, but you just find that cute.

"will, i've missed you so much" you say through smiles. he kisses you as an answer, and you honestly couldn't feel happier in that moment.

when you two pull away, wilbur breaks the intimacy in the middle of the airport by saying, "alright, let's get you home, yeah?"

you nod, not being able to take your eyes off him. wilbur chuckles and grabs your luggage for you, what a gentleman.

author's note:
you guuyys! how adorable was that last scene? i'm so glad i got myself into writing this, i'm so excited to see where this will go. tommy, tubbo, and ranboo will appear in the next chapter, dontcha worry ;)

total words: 994

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