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"i guess we'll stay here then" ranboo says then laughs.

"don't worry guys, it'll be fun! but where will we sleep? there's only one bed" you face wilbur, who looks at you then glances off, thinking.

"what about a big slumber party here in the living room? i've got some sleeping bags from when my parents and i went camping, but there's only three"

"OH, OH, i want to sleep in a sleeping bag!! i never have before- dibs!!" you get all excited about sleeping bags, which just makes tommy and tubbo laugh.

"alright, alright, you can have the sleeping bag, izzy. someone can also sleep on the couch, it's quite comfortable. ranboo, i'm guessing you might want to? those sleeping bags aren't exactly 'tall-guy friendly'" wilbur looks at ranboo and laughs.

"sure! i don't doubt it'll be comfy, plus i won't be trapped in one of those bags" he turns his head to you and smiles that playful cocky smile.

"ohhh stop it! but what about you?" you face wilbur, who's looking around the living room for an answer.

"here's an idea. what if we take will's mattress from his room and place it here? there's a lot of space if we move the coffee table" tubbo brings up a good point; that could work.

"hell, why not? OFF WE GO!" wilbur exclaims and runs to his room. the guys run after him, and you follow, shaking your head and smiling. when you catch up everyone in wilbur's room, you see them already dismantling his bed.

"boys" you think, dropping your head in your hand chuckling.

tubbo, tommy, ranboo, and will each grab a corner of the mattress when the one lonely throw pillow and blanket got thrown off onto wilbur's desk chair.

"on three, boys, we lift.  three, two, one, LIFT" wilbur exclaims and pushes his corner up.

the rest follow and soon, you back up out of the door frame to make space for the giant queen-sized mattress to somehow fit through it.

"um, okay, maybe we didn't think this part through" ranboo says in a monotone voice when the mattress gets stuck in the middle of the door.

"no, you 'boys' did not" you tell them between giggles. you're outside of wilbur's room in the hallway, observing, with tommy and wilbur who are carrying the front side. tubbo and ranboo are still standing in the room, holding the back. you take this chance to push tommy out of the way and handle it yourself.

"will, i can't quite reach. do you mind taking the top side and folding it over closer to me?" you look at wilbur over your shoulder while carrying the corner that used to be tommy's. he effortlessly folds it with only one hand.

"thanks. now ranboo, can you do the same on your side?" you raise your voice and crane your neck, trying to see ranboo and tubbo on the other side.

ranboo follows what wilbur did, and with enough shimmying and turning, the mattress was finally in the hallway. tommy pats you on the shoulder and gets his spot back. suddenly, a loud crack of thunder reminds everyone of the monster storm brewing outside.

"shit, hi there mother nature," wilbur says laughing, "alright, onwards with the mission!" he and tommy stumble backwards as tubbo and ranboo charge forward, laughing.

they make a slight turn to the right and set the mattress down. you realize to move the coffee table so there's room. tubbo comes over to help, after you two have dragged it over to the window near the bookshelf, the giant mattress gets dropped onto the carpet.

"i'll go get the sleeping bags, one sec" wilbur says as he starts jogging to the closet. "we've got two reds and a blue, pick your victims" he says to you, tubbo, and tommy.

"BLUE!" tommy screams. you didn't expect anything different, but you like the color red anyway.

"this is going to be a fun night.." you think to yourself after realizing you'd have to spend it with four guys. sharing a bathroom with four guys, great. it's only a night- it could be worse. "at least i have will! it'll be fine, so what there's a storm? *that* was  such a long time ago, i doubt it'll even faze me."

author's note
woo hey guys!! how is everyone? i'm so excited for these upcoming episodes, make sure to stayed tuned! on a real-world basis, i wanted to share my condolences for anyone directly and indirectly involved with everything going on in ukraine. it truly is terrible, there aren't any words. it hits a bit close to home, but i'm doing okay. on a lighter note, i've been posting more on my tiktok, "_notlucaa," you should check it out! thanks for reading this longer note, and thank you for over 165 overall reads! i appreciate it soso much <3

total words: 824

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