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"sleep well"

"nighty night"


everyone was in their beds by now...or couch or sleeping bag. the wind starting picking up, and from time to time, a high-pitched shrill could be heard. rain was pounding on the window, asking to be let in. unexpected lightning, as if a surprise attack, illuminated the sky, and thunder quickly followed. it could be uncomfortable for anyone, but your phobia didn't make this any easier.

"just go to sleep and then you won't have to deal with this. go to sleep and it'll all be over. relax and go to sleep already, oh my god," you couldn't help talking to yourself to "ease the pain," but that arguably made it worse.

you looked around and took in your surroundings: wilbur sleeping on his mattress on your left, tubbo and tommy cocooned in their sleeping bags on your right, and ranboo on the couch behind you, and they were all sleeping. you were the last one still awake. the curtains on that stupid window behind wilbur weren't fully shut, so you could partially see what was going on outside.

you lay on your back and head turned to the left, staring behind wilbur into the storm. every so often, you glance down at his soft appearance. he was on his side facing you, and he lay with his head rested on his outstretched arm, which was hanging off the side of his bed. wilbur's wavy hair fell in front of his face. somehow, you were reminded of a baby lamb. it was so random, but somehow fitting.

the last thing you remember from then was comparing wilbur to a baby lamb.

16 years ago, izzy's pov

i was over at my friend ellie's house for a playdate. we were playing adventurers, a game where we set out on different missions across the giant acres of open fields owned by the condominium ellie lives in.

there were a couple trees scattered here and there, but not much else. ellie says that there's a big forest on the end, so we were walking over there. we went by a shortcut so we didn't have to walk, like, a thousand miles to get to that forest.

the sky was dark and clouded over, perfect for an adventure! ellie and i pretended to be foreign explorers on a mission to find treasure in the forest, to then later bring back to the royalty in our homeland.

as we continued our journey to the forest, it became darker and darker. it was kinda hard to see ellie, even with her light hair and bright blue shirt.

"i think we should go back now, it's getting a little scary," i told ellie. she ignored my concern and convinced me that it would make the experience more realistic. alright, i guess it will.

first i felt it on the top of my head, and then on my nose.

"do you feel that?"

"feel what?"

and before i could respond, water raced down onto the both of us, soaking us to the bone within seconds.

ellie screamed. "we have to go into the forest, there's no rain there!"

before i could protest, she made a run for it.

what else could i possibly do? i didn't want to get lost out here— there wasn't anyone around! so, before i could even reconsider, i dashed after her.

"ellie! slow down!" i tried to scream as loud as i could, but the rain swept my voice away.

i saw her bright blue tank top enter the forest, so i went in after her. after a quick look around, i still couldn't find her.

is this the end for me? i wondered as i hopelessly searched for my friend. and what ellie said wasn't even true. it was raining. hard. i could barely see in front of me, and being all alone in a giant, unfamiliar forest did not make this experience any better.

and then i heard it.

it came out of no where.

i saw the whole world light up blue for about two seconds, then the next thing i knew, i was blinded by a painfully bright orange light. not too far away from me, a tree caught fire.

i could feel my heart racing, it was almost as if it was just going to run out of my skin. run far and fast away from this nightmare. i wish i could come, get away from this horrid situation. i was drenched, alone, and abandoned. i want my mom. i want out of here. how do i get out? i'm trapped. trapped with the pelting, cold rain wanting to melt me away. trapped with the forest that i can't find a way out of. trapped with the burning log slowly getting extinguished by the rain. trapped all by myself, with no one to save me.

holy fuck. your eyes open wide and you bolt up in your sleeping bag. what was that?

you're hyperventilating and drenched in a cold sweat. after a quick glance around the room to set yourself back into reality, you realize that it was just a dream. that was so fucking freaky. a quick rub to the eyes leads to you softly crying in your hands.

then you realize you're stuck in your sleeping bag— all the fabrics are a mess within themselves. you scramble to try to free yourself, which just results in more tears and stress while realizing you're getting more tangled. no no no, i'm trapped again.

"what's going on?," you hear a sleepy, deep voice behind you. tear-stained cheeks, you whip your head around.

author's note:
ooouh, is this writing in first person i see? i definitely want to get into it more; the next chapter will be wilbur's first-person perspective! this was so fun to read, hopefully you enjoyed it! stick around to see what happens ;)
~ luca

word count: 998
date of publication: april 1st 2022

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