Joining the group & Getting to know them

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I've known Debbie Ocean roughly about a year and a half now but we have gotten really close well at least I think so, I have never been this close with anyone in my life. Me and Debbie met in a bar a week after she pulled of one of the biggest jewellery heists ever! Debbie is currently living with her best friend Lou.

She has finally invited me round to meet the rest of the "squad" as she calls them trying to sound cool. I won't lie I'm extremely nervous about meeting Lou and Tammy, They have known Deb for years and I don't want them to think I'm trying to steal her away from them.

So many thoughts and fake scenarios start to cross my mind until I get a message from Deb which snaps me back into reality.

Debbie: Hey, just checking you are still on for today?

My mind racing I replied quickly

Y/N: Yeah I am :)

I still cannot believe today is the day I get to meet Debbie's friends! So many thoughts are circling my mind I want them to like me but I don't want to seem overly friendly but I also don't want to seem too quiet god there are so many things to think about.

I quickly pace around the house throwing my clothes everywhere desperately trying to find a suitable outfit. I straightened my hair and put some makeup on to try make a good first impression and I pour myself a drink to calm my nerves, finally after two hours I was ready to leave.

*Debbie's POV*

Me and Y/N have been friends for a while and she seems like a really nice girl I feel a connection with her and I feel quite close to her so I talked her into meeting the rest of my crazy squad. I'm really nervous but excited to see what everyone will think her, I just had to message her to make sure she was still up for coming today and thankfully she was! Finally I sat everyone down and told them that today was the day Y/N was coming and before I know it I get a text from her

Y/N: Hey Debbie, I'm ready, should only be like half an hour!

Finally after half an hour I hear a car pull up in front of Lou's loft I immediately knew it was her so without even checking out the window I excitedly run outside to greet her "hey! I'm so happy you came" I said giving her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Deb! how are you, before we go in do I look okay?" Y/N spoke with a unsure look "You look absolutely amazing" I reply with a smile, we go inside and I introduce Y/N to everyone

"hey guys this is Y/N everyone be nice and introduce yourselves" Deb spoke "Hiya I'm Daphne" "Hello I'm Amita" "Sup I'm Nine Ball, you can call me baller if you feel more comfortable I don't mind" "Yooo I'm Constance" "Hey sweetheart my names Tammy" "Hi little one I'm Rose"

After the introductions I noticed there was one special person who still hadn't greeted Y/N yet and that Lou.

Lou was sat on the couch beer in one hand her other resting on her knee a cheeky grin on her face along with a flirty gaze which she held a few more seconds than she should have. I cleared my throat and gave her a stare she quickly came out her trance coming up to us, "Hey beautiful girl I'm Lou" she said shaking
y/n's hand with a wink well if you know Lou you know it's more like a blink but apparently she makes it work.

I finally arrived at Lou's loft I was quickly greeted by Debbie who introduced me to everyone I was so scared but they all made me feel welcome especially that one tall blonde Australian god she is absolutely breathtaking. . .

*Lou's POV*
I normally despise anyone Debbie is friends with or brings to meet us I'm a bit too over protective due to her past. But
Y/N wow there is something different about her a good different.

"Hey Y/N do you want a drink? We have Beer, Wine, normal Vodka and Oh some of my most famous watered down vodka" I chuckled. "Watered down vodka?" She looked puzzled "Aren't you sort of defeating the purpose then? Where's the fun in the watered down stuff?" She giggled.

"Well I'll set the scene, you know when you've had a little too much to drink and you go to the bar for another shot of vodka but they don't tell you that it's actually water because they want you to sober up a bit, You take it without knowing, You just automatically assume that it's vodka because your drunk you get what I mean?" I say giving her a second to reply so I know she is with me

"Yeah?" She replied still not fully understanding "It's a bit like that because when your drunk it tastes like vodka" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Right I get what you mean now, Well I'll have a Vodka and Coke just now please, Me and you can do some watered down vodka shots later then how's that sound?" I winked "Sounds brilliant love" she replied.


So it's been half an hour since I have arrived at Lou's I feel more at ease now Lou has offered me a drink, I was a little confused about the whole watered down vodka thing but I think it can come in handy later on.

I really want to start getting to know the girls better but I'm terrible at starting conversations myself so I'm patiently waiting for someone else to, I'm just hoping the girls don't think I'm ignorant because I'm sat only talking to Debbie and Lou.

"So Y/N do you want to tell the girls a bit more about yourself?" Debbie said rubbing my arm to let me know I was okay, I looked at Deb and she nodded her head I cleared my throat and began to speak.

"Hey guys as you know all know my name is Y/N Y/L/N I am 25 years old, I grew up in Scotland just outside of Glasgow, I moved here when I was 21 in hopes to start a new life, thankfully I have since I've met Debbie. I really enjoy cooking, listening to music and playing piano and editing videos, I really want to work in a bar since it's where I spent most of my time at 18 at 19" i awkwardly chuckled

"Wait 18 & 19? did you go a bar underage miss y/l/n" Lou said questioning me. "Actually no the legal drinking age in Scotland is 18" I laughed "God ours is 21" Lou said kind of shocked "Does anyone else want to introduce themselves? Y/N already knows everything about me" Deb laughed.

"Hey Y/N as you know I'm Lou second names Miller I'm 35 I've been Debbie's friend for years we go way back, I live in this loft full time with Deb otherwise I would be lonely because how big it is, I work in a club and funnily enough there's a space just opened up for a new member of staff, so if your looking your hired love" Lou winked at me

"What you would just hire me without even knowing if I would be a good staff member?" I laughed "Well, yeah I mean I guess you can practice and I would help you until you get the hang of it" Lou said "Okay well I will definitely keep that in mind" I gave a soft smile.

"Hi sweetheart my name is Tammy I'm 37 I am a stay at home mum until Deb calls me and tells me there's a job I'm really looking forward to getting to know you darling" Tammy stood up walking towards me and leaned down to give me a hug.

"Hey love my name is Rose I'm 40 I am a fashion designer it's lovely to have you here with us" Rose hugged me

"Sup Y/N my name's Nine Ball I'm 31" "No it's actually Leslie haha" Deb shouted out from the kitchen "Thanks for that Deb! I don't go by Leslie though, I am a very successful hacker" she smiled.

"Hey I'm Daphne 34 and I'm a film producer it's lovely to meet you and don't worry you'll be fine here I was scared to come here at first too but they all make me feel very welcome if you need anything just call me" Daphne also hugged me.

"Hi I'm Amita 36 I'm currently living in Paris with my husband I'm just out here visiting these crazy people, it's lovely to meet you honey!" She shook my hand

"Yoo I'm constance I'm 33" she shook my hand "Umm constance I take it your a pickpocket?" I laughed "Um no what makes you say that" she pretended to be shocked "Can I have my watch back please" "Yeah um sorry about that and yeah I am a very good pickpocket as you can probably tell" She laughed.

I feel like the introductions went extremely well and I am so glad I feel more at ease now but not fully, I know as time goes on I feel more like part of the "team". I check the time and realise it's getting late "well guys it's so lovely to meet everyone but I should be heading home now thanks for an amazing night guys!". I said my goodbyes to everyone and Lou drove me home because it had been hours since she drank anything with alcohol in it.

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