Making moves

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slight smut warning besties

"I'm a girl of my" before I could finish my sentence Y/N had grabbed me by the back of the head in for another kiss "Hm your eager little one aren't you, I like it" I chuckled


OMG! That really happened! I thought to myself excited it was finally happening from the first moment I saw Lou the first moment I laid eyes on her I knew I wanted her.

"Hello earth to Y/N" I heard, Quickly pulling my out my trance "Ah shit sorry, I just can't believe we just kissed!" I said still in shock "Well believe it love" she winked as my hands trailed up her thighs resting on her hips squeezing them gently, I just couldn't stop staring at her in complete awe.

She slowly came down closer her face just inches away from mine "May I remove your top my love?" She asked in her extremely hot husky voice "Yes you absolutely can" I said with a smirk, then she started kissing my neck I let out an accidental moan, I felt her smirk into my neck then she started sucking and gently biting she had already mapped out my sweet spot.

I moved my head to give her more access she slowly made her way down to my collarbone and my chest, biting and sucking with a bit more pressure leaving little marks, my hands were moving up and down her sides gently after 5 minutes she came up admiring her work and smirking.

I let her catch her breath before gently grabbed her neck and lowering her to kiss me again I removed her jacket and she removed her t-shirt "Fuck you are so beautiful" I said admiring her body "Glad you like the view but I am certain I have a better one baby" she said as came down kissing me again but with more passion, she grabbed my throat with one hand her other one placed on my hip occasionally squeezing it, I slid one hand up her bra gently squeezing her breast, my other hand squeezing her right thigh tightly.

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL" we heard a familiar voice screaming from the door.

Oh shit... is that? No it can't be...I thought to myself panicking me and Lou slowly turned around scared smiling and shit it was.

Debbie was standing with her mouth practically on the floor "Oh um h- hi wh- what are you doing back so early Deb" Lou said nervously still sitting on top of me without her top on may I add.

After a minute remembering the position we were in Lou jumped up frantically trying to find her top and mine. "I thought you might be lonely here because you are living here yourself but your obviously not lonely" she spoke still in shock, I jump up forgetting Lou was sucking on my chest which meant I had visible hickies on full display thankfully Lou throws me my top I cover up.

"Hello Deb how was the trip" I say nervously "Forget the trip! Rewind a second please what the hell is happening between you two? I leave you for what four days Lou and you two are what a thing?" She said trying to figure out what was going on.

"No Deb this is the first I've seen Y/N alone since the night I met her I was lonely so I messaged her asking her to come over" Lou said quickly "It just kind of happened Deb" I spoke nervously. "Oh so your telling me yous haven't hooked up or fucked a single time I've been gone?" Deb questioned us.

"No Deb I promise this is the first time we have seen each other let alone done anything, I was the one who made a move on Lou I was the one who wanted to fuck her" I spoke nervously "Oh well I guess I feel a bit better now but Y/N I didn't expect that from you god it's normally Lou who is making the first move on our new comers once she gets to know them" Deb laughed.

"Hey Deb your making me sound like a fuck about here, God" Lou laughed but obviously a bit pissed at the comment. "As freaked as I was to see you I'm just glad I didn't walk in on yous fully naked" Deb was laughing.

"Yeah um that would have been embarrassing" I chuckled "Anyway Deb tell us about the trip I'll fetch us a beer" Lou said walking to the fridge

*Debbie POV*

It's been an hour since I arrived and seen Lou and Y/N I won't lie I was shocked that she would try it on with Lou, I thought everyone knew my feelings towards y/n I mean wasn't it obvious with all the flirty gaze's I'd give her all I times I intentionally brush my hand over y/n's, all the times I rest my hand on her thigh and give her flirty smiles. I thought y/n felt the same way about me but I guess I was stupidly wrong.

*Lou POV*

Ah shit I thought that Debbie wasn't due back for a day or two hence why I gave into Y/N's game I mean it's not like I regret it I actually want more but I can't exactly continue anything whilst Deb's in the loft she just complains.

I have a plan that might be more discreet I just hope that Y/N wants to continue and it wasn't just a spur of the moment thing because we were alone. "Alright who wants to watch a film tonight?" I say excitedly "Yeah that sounds cool Deb you in?" Y/N spoke "Yeah guys cool" Deb said not really paying attention sipping on a gin texting someone probably TamTam.

A few hours had past of us just drinking talking about our past to each other and wow I didn't realise Y/N was so interesting, "Right guys I'm going to put on a film now what do you wanna watch?" I said kind of drunk, "Lou do you have popcorn?!" Y/N was a bit drunk and excited "Yeah we do, Cupboard third from the left top shelve" I said trying to find a good movie.

"Umm Louuu" I heard y/n speak quietly from the kitchen "Yeah sweetheart is everything okay in there?" I look up to find that she can't reach the top shelves of the cupboards "Hey shorty need a hand?" I said walking into the kitchen laughing "Hey the names cute but don't call me that" she hit my arm playfully "Ok Ok. . . shorty" I tease her.

"HEY! you just have really high cupboards" she said trying not to get embarrassed "Yeah yeah okay darling" I playfully grabbed her waist then we went to join Debbie. The film we had chosen was a romcom.


God I really didn't expect Debbie back today I had my doubts that Lou had set me up to get caught I don't know why exactly no Y/N why would she set you up she obviously was embarrassed when Deb walked in I thought to myself.

We had still subtly flirted with each other all night and I had a plan for during the movie I just hope Lou is up for it too. We had finally sat down to watch it I sat on the couch beside Lou and Deb sat on the other side of the living room great at least she won't see what I have in store for Lou.

We were half way through the film when I decided to go grab another two beers and another gin for Debbie, on the way back I picked up the biggest blanket I have ever seen for me and Lou I also grabbed one for Deb.

With the alcohol clearly starting to kick in I slowly put my head on Lou's shoulder she tucked her arm around the bottom of my back drawing little patterns on my right hip.

I put my hand on her thigh gently started rubbing it and giving her occasional squeezes at the top of her thigh close to her centre, she leaned her head down and whispered in my ear "Don't start something you won't win baby girl" god that name turned me on so much.

"Hm maybe it'll be you who can't win tonight sweetheart" I raised my eyebrow that obviously done something to her because in return she gripped my thigh hard "Hey baby girl you still don't know who's in charge do you? I thought after your little performance today you would" She said in a low husky voice her pupils dilated. Getting lost in the moment I forgot Debbie was in front of us I started sucking on her neck leaving obvious marks.

Next thing I know Lou whispered in my ear "Get to my bedroom now and strip I'll be up in a minute" I was taken back a little but I had a plan "Hm what if I don't want to?" I said acting bratty, Lou then gripped my hair pulling my head back her voice became huskier and a tad louder  "Get to my bedroom now. Do not make me ask again or I will punish you, Got it?" Her nearly black eyes staring into my soul, "I was up for it the first time you said just wanted to see your reaction" I winked.

I faked a yawn "Hey Deb I'm going to head up to bed I'll see you in the morning" I said standing up "Okay darling come give me a hug love you!" I gave her a hug"Love you too Deb" I waved walking up the stairs.

After a minute I heard Lou "Deb I think I'm going to head up too the film only has a minute left anyway" I heard her getting closer to the room "Goodnight Lou" Deb replied "Night Deb" Lou came charging at me and I knew I was fucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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