Getting to know her

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I woke up to message notification on my phone I sat myself up rubbing my eyes and stretching in attempts to wake up a little bit, I checked the time 1:19pm god I never sleep till this time.

Lou: Hey honey, I have the loft to myself today, would you like to come over and spend some time with me?

My face lit up like a kid at Christmas as I read the message but I can't help but wonder why Lou is texting wanting to meet me, I thought to myself puzzled but also intrigued but despite my thoughts I quickly replied.

Y/N: Hey Lou! Of course I will, I just need to get showered and stuff so I should be like an hour... is that okay?

Lou: Of course! Take your time I also need a shower and stuff so your completely fine don't worry.

I quickly jump in a shower but I don't wash my hair as I only washed it yesterday so there was no point washing it again, After my shower I decided on a basic pair of jeans and a hoodie as i want to be comfortable.

I put my hair in a messy bun, put my glasses on and I run downstairs grabbing a quick coffee to go, I head outside and get in my car and started driving to Lou's loft.

*Lou's POV*

Y/N is literally all I can think about I really need to get to know her better I've only known her a couple of months but she's literally taking over my mind... there has been instances when we have came so close to kissing but y/n loves to tease me.

I texted her to invite her to my place figured it would be easier to talk to her since everyone is away and Deb has been away on a trip but she is due back either tomorrow or the following day.

My mind starts racing when she doesn't reply did I do something to upset her, did I come off too strong? No Lou calm down she is probably just busy.

I'm just about to finish in the shower when a message pops up on my phone I run faster than I ever have out the shower to the bedroom frantically trying to find my phone.

Y/N: Hey Lou! I'm outside now :)

I smile softly to myself and quickly reply back.

Lou: just let yourself in I'm upstairs getting ready won't be a minute :)

Y/N- Okay great, take your time :)

I decided to go with my black jeans, black turtleneck and my boots, my classic Lou look.

I ran downstairs and greeted Y/N "Hey sweetheart how are you" I said hugging her "Hey Lou I'm good thanks, yourself? Oh I also helped myself to a beer hope you don't mind! do you want one?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes please!" She passed me a beer grazing my hand with her thumb and smiling I could feel my face going red, "Wanna go sit down?" I said pointing to the couch "Yeah sure" She replied with a smile.

We go and sit down I sat on the couch and Y/N sat on the chair across from me "Where is everyone?" Y/N said puzzled "Oh Amita is back in Paris and everyone else is home" I reply "Where is Debbie?" y/n asks puzzled looking around the empty loft.

"Oh Debbie is away on a trip just now she's due back either tomorrow or the next day" I spoke with a smile.

We sat just staring at each other for a couple of minutes and occasionally smiling until I broke the silence "Why are you staring at me like that?" I said with a flirty gaze.

After about a minute she responded "Like what" with a chuckle "Like you want to kiss me" I raised my eyebrow "Maybe I do" she said flirtatiously.

She looked at me seductively whilst she finished her beer then she got up from her chair and she walked towards me.

Now stood in front of me she lifted my chin with her finger and i could see a smirk tugging the corner of her mouth, She hummed softly to herself.

She gently moved her thumb down my mouth pulling my bottom lip down a bit as she done so she stared into my eyes for a few seconds with a smirk and then walked into the kitchen grabbing another two beers, She passed me one then sat down again across from me.

"Ahh so you're still a tease then huh" I said raising my eyebrow smiling trying to hide the fact that I just wanted to kiss her but I obviously didn't want to misinterpret the situation or attempt anything without knowing if she wanted it.

"Yes I most certainly am, haven't you learned this in the months I've known you?" She replied grinning slightly, I knew for a fact that she enjoyed this little game she was playing, I semi successfully hid how she was making me feel but of course I cracked... "If you were mine, I'd have you bent over this couch right now and showing you who's in charge" I said with a more low husky voice.

Y/N was silent for a few seconds a grin plastered on her face "Hm would you now" she said biting her lip "Yeah I would" I replied quickly.

She looked deeply into my eyes before answering me again, "Hm so do it then" She said with a seductive tone "Don't provoke me Y/N" I said running my tongue along the inside of my mouth.

She got up walked over to me and sat extremely close I mean she was practically sitting on my lap, she had her hand resting on my thigh.

I bit the inside of my lip trying to compose myself hoping she wouldn't notice but she did she starting gently caressing my thigh for a few minutes giving me looks.

"Y/N this is a dangerous game you don't know what I'm like" I said getting more flustered, "Then show me" she said teasing me once again "Alright then since you asked" I flipped her round so she was lying on the couch as I was straddling her "Wow okay fast moves Miss Miller" she said shocked "You like that huh?" I leaned in and whispered in her ear "May I?"

"Yes please" she said her breath becoming more unsteady, I leaned in and kissed her for a few minutes her hand went to the back of my head. I pulled back smiling looking into her eyes.

She was silent for a few seconds but held her gaze "holy shit" she said with a sort of laugh "What?" I ask sort of confused. "I just wasn't expecting that" she laughed.

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