Part 13 || sudden confession

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Heeseung's POV

I walked around with Bianca in the mall and I thought I saw Hana. Is that Sunghoon?

Bianca: "hey I'm just gonna check out some clothes ok?" I nodded and let her do her thing.

They look like a couple though, that can't be them. She was putting something but they were awfully- my heart and stomach sank. She moved away and I saw Sunghoon's face. The girl turned around and I could feel my face turn pale. They were hanging out together. Sunghoon swung his arm over Hana and that was the last straw. My feet started walking towards them but Bianca held my arm back

Bianca: "let's go? They didn't have my size" she pouted and I looked back at them one last time and then left. I instead, texted Hana what she was doing.

"What's wrong? I can't hangout with him?"

"No! I mean- you can but, you could've told me"

She didn't respond for a few seconds


"Be safe ok? If you need something I'll go to you right away! I LOVE YOU !! MWAH"

I wanted to test her. Would she still give me the reply she always does?


Once I saw that I wanted to bail on Bianca to clear things up with her. Is there something wrong with us?

<time skip next day>

Hana's POV

"Bring a jacket ok? I don't want you wearing his"

"LMAO why not? 😂"

"Just- Just bring a jacket!"

"HAHAHHA ok! I'll see you on Monday. Have fun with Bianca"

"Uhh yeah, have fun with Sunghoon I guess"

I closed my phone and sighed. It's so weird, we're the ones always hanging out during weekends no matter what. But now, we're doing that with different people. I sighed, everything's changing it's scary. I opened the door and smiled.

Sunghoon: "Hey Han!" But there's always that someone I can count on to be my constant.

Hana: "Hoon!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. He showed me flowers but this time they were fake. "For me?"

Sunghoon: "I've learned my lesson" he chuckled and I twirled them in between my fingers

Hana: "thank you, they're beautiful"



They stepped onto the ice and did everything they wanted to do. They raced, Sunghoon taught Hana how to do spins, and overall just enjoyed each other's company. As they laughed and chased after each other, Hana's phone kept buzzing inside her bag. Constant messages kept coming from someone.

Hana went to check who it was and sighed. It was Heeseung. He was basically updating her on what he's up to and asking her how everything's going. She sighed, she put her phone on silent and decided to just enjoy her time with Sunghoon than to reply to him. She went back and she tripped running too fast. She slipped on the ice but Sunghoon caught her as she was about to fall forward. They smiled at each other and if they were a couple it looked like they would've kissed.

Hana's POV

Sunghoon: "was that Heeseung?" I nodded. Just the way he was describing how he's enjoying his time with her, it already feels so bad.

Hana: "yeah, he was updating me about Bianca"

Sunghoon: "He likes you, you know" I looked at him confused

Hana: "he's head over heels for that Bianca girl. Don't talk nonsense" I went teary eyed. Seeing him clearly liking someone else then Sunghoon just says that? It's like he's mocking me.

Sunghoon: "he does, he just doesn't realize it. He's known you since you were kids, he won't realize it that quickly. You just matured and accepted you like him" I kept quiet. "Do you still like him?" I looked up at him.

All my memories of Heeseung came back. When he stayed with me when I was sick even though he got infected the next week. The time when he ran from his house all the way to the mall because I called him when I thought a guy was following me. My collection of fake flowers he's given me. When we ran around under the rain getting wet then almost getting sick the next day.

Hana: "of course, of course I still like him. It's just hard to see him-"

Sunghoon: "I like you!" I stopped talking. He looked at me with a scared face for my reaction.

Hana: "Hoon, what? You're not being seri-"

Sunghoon: "I'm serious. I like you Hana, and I know this is sudden but I don't want an answer now. I know you still like him and I respect that" my breathing became heavy

Hana: "this is so sudden" I held my forehead avoiding eye contact.

Sunghoon: "look, a reason why you're sad about Heeseung is because you've made a lot as in a lot of great memories with him. Now that he likes someone else he's going to make those memories with her instead of you"

What is he trying to do? He confesses then makes me feel worse? Fuck so annoying! I hate to admit he's right. I wiped a tear that rolled down my face and looked at him

Sunghoon: "what I'm saying is, I'm not trying to replace those memories you have with him. I want to add to them. I want you to experience more great memories and great feelings, but this time with me" he held my hand and the other held my cheek

Sunghoon: "so, is it ok if I court you?" I look at him and think for a while. I don't want to hurt him, but I want to give him a chance

Hana: "ok, but I don't want to hurt you if this doesn't go the way you want... you know I still have feelings for Heeseung..."

Sunghoon: "don't think about that, I've never met anyone like you. So don't expect me to go anywhere anytime soon" I laughed and he hugged me while stroking my hair. I hugged him by his waist and sighed. I closed my eyes and felt his warmth. The same warmth I also felt with Heeseung.

Who do I really like?

<time skip>

We ended quite late at night (10:00pm) and he was now walking me home after a tiring but fun day. It was a weirdly cold night so as we talked to each other smoke came out of our mouths. When I told a joke he would let out his laugh and smile. He had this cute expression that I just can't help but to smile every time I see it.

Hana: "thanks again for today, Hoon." I hugged him tightly and he did as well

Sunghoon: "I'm glad you enj-"

Heeseung: "Hana!" We both separated and looked at him. He was in my house?

Hana: "Heeseung? What are you doing here?" I let go of Sunghoon but instead of answering me he glared at Sunghoon

Sunghoon: "I better go ahead. I'll see you soon Han" he squeezed my hand and I could feel Heeseung's stare burning through our hands. Sunghoon knows when he should leave. He surprisingly knows how to read the room very well.

Heeseung: "come here" he held my hand and pulled me inside. He closed the door and I faced him confused. By the way he pulled me I can tell he was angry.

Hana: "what's going-"

Heeseung: "why haven't you been responding to me?!"

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