>~"Chapter 6"~<

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Hej, I have a lot of inspiration this week, so an extra chapter or two will be out this week :D) 

America turned around looking at his ex with disgust,

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked in a harsh tone, pride still emitting off of him. China smiled a creepily calm smile before speaking up again,

"Well, you of course!" He said looking at America like he should've expected that, America rolled his eyes. 

" Ha ha, very funny," he said sarcastically, "What do you want?" China looked up at the clock on the wall, he had some time to kill before the next class. He looked back at America who was taller than him by quite a lot actually, but that didn't matter. China was feeling mischievous as usual, but a little riskier today, he wanted to play with people's emotions today. 

"Oh nothing~" He said opening his eyes more so you could see the red irises. America thought it was creepy that he could do that. like eew.

"Shut the fuck up and leave me alone" America said trying to walk away, China's grip tightened.

"Or what?" China taunted, America reached into his pocket, meanwhile Japan and Germany had been watching the whole thing, and Japan being the person she is, looked at America's hand with curiosity. America of course pulled out a pistol, there were luckily no cameras close enough to see it was a gun. 

"Typical," China muttered before walking away. America put the pistol back in his pocket and out of view then proceeded to walk to class as if nothing happened. The crowd of people just watched America, Japan and Germany walk down the hall to their biology class. Japan kept on asking America how he was so cool, she was like a fangirl of sorts, and Germany? He just kept silent.

They reached biology and sat in their unfortunately separated seats, luckily for America, Russia sat right next to him. The professor started telling the large class about the test that they were going to be taking, luckily the professor was not a Countryhuman and he only spoke English and Portuguese since he was from Brazil. 

"So anyways, now the test will begin, and you have until the end of class to turn it in, when you are done, work on one of the three papers up here" The professor finished. 

Soon both America and Russia were done with the test, America was 100% sure he had gotten an 'A', while Russia just hoped he passed. America wrote a note on a spare piece of paper he had, it said:

"Итак, как дела?" (so, how are you?) America passed the note over to Russia who looked at it before glaring at America and writing something back, America looked at it and it said:

"Shut up" America frowned at this again. 

"Psst, Ruski~" America said leaning closer to Russia who tried to lean away but ended up leaning into Mexico who pushed him away. Russia was now stuck, if he leaned towards Mexico he would be pushed away, and if he stayed put America would get too close.

"Stop America" He said tempted to smack the shorter man. America didn't stop, he just kept going.

"So, do you have any vodka?" America asked the Russian who looked his way when he said vodka.

"No" He said simply, turning away. This didn't satisfy America, but right as he was about to say something, the professor came up to him and tapped him lightly with a ruler, he was a nice guy, anyone would agree with that. 

"América," he said "get to work and stop annoying Rússia" he said, America nodded and got back to work. 

"глупый" (stupid) Russia whispered just loud enough for America to hear, America turned towards Russia, glaring, but Russia was doing his work, like a model student. AMerica was bored and decided it was a great idea to write "cock" on the desk, he covered it with his hand until class ended and he left the lecture hall.

Russia quickly walked away from the lecture hall to his next class, as did America. Japan and Germany both walked with America to the Gym. Germany and America went to change in the men's locker room and Japan in the women's locker room. Then they all lined up for role.

"So anyways, today we're going to start actually playing badminton" after hearing this all the students cheered except for America, he didn't really like badminton. Japan, Germany and America were all in a group together against Mexico, South Korea and Vietnam. They started and America who was naturally talented barely had to pay attention, whenever the birdie flew his way he would get his team a point. Japan and Germany were pretty focused though.

Soon, America's team had won and gym was over. Germany, Japan and America parted ways and said goodbye to each other until lunch rolled around. When they all met up in the cafeteria, Japan had sushi, Germany had spaetzle and America, a cheeseburger. There were a few other people sitting with them such as Mexico, Panama, and Brazil. America would stand on the table yelling to his brother Canada who was sitting at a different table.

Canada turned around when he heard someone screaming "NADA!! NADAAAAA!" when he realized it was America, not that he didn't already know, he yelled "tu es vraiment stupide l'Amérique" (You're really dumb America). America put a hand on his chest as if to act offended but sat back down. 

After lunch they day went about as usual and at the end of the day Japan, Germany and America all met back up, America decided to invite them over to his house to do whatever since it was a Friday. They all agreed to meet up at America's house at 9:30 PM. America picked up his kids and brought them home. When they arrived, he made food for them and fed them, he put Delaware, Vermont and New Hampshire to bed since they were complaining about being tired. 

America told his kids not to be in the living room at 9:30 because his friends were coming over, he said they could come, but that they couldn't be crowding it.

(ok, That's a long chapter, but i need some rest, I spent 2 hours writing this, Au revoir, farvel, До свидания,再见, さようなら, Até logo, etc.)

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