Forty-One: Nomination Day Again

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"Nominations are out." Namjoon looked up from his phone toward Anna as she walked into his office. He shot to his feet and ushered her to a large screen next to his desk. He began clicking the keyboard and brought up the notice.

Anna sank into a chair when her eyes fell on the announcement. It was the list of nominees for this year's big acting awards show. Under the category Best Supporting Actress, she saw her name: Annelise Kane, Deliberations.

Namjoon turned his dimpled smile in her direction. "I told you. I told you, my love. I knew it." He gathered her up in his arms even as she strained to keep her eyes on the screen.

" God, Namjoon." She blinked several times. "I can't believe it."

He moved back. "Well, I certainly can." He was beaming. "You were beyond incredible as Helen. Everybody at the studio said so. The producers were over the moon. Myra Brecker herself told them that if anybody deserves an award, it's you. Steve Appleton agreed, and he's directed the best of the best. Congratulations, my love. This is your moment. Enjoy it."

Anna gulped and shook her head slowly. "It's unbelievable." She stared at the screen again. "Who else got nominated?"

Namjoon leaned down and also looked at the screen. He scrolled through the list of names. "Okay. Myra Brecker for Best Actress. Steve for director. Ken and Ella Adams for screenplay. And Deliberations for Best Picture." He turned to her. "This is great."

Anna nodded. She took the mouse away from Namjoon and kept scrolling. "No one from Echoes of Youth? Jin thought it would be his breakout starring role."

Namjoon forced himself not to frown. "No. Anyway, Matt Hutchins is a shoe-in. He blew it out of the park in Purified." He sighed. "But Seokjin did a great job. Everyone says he's the only bright spot in that movie. I can only imagine what it would've been like with you as the female lead. I'm sure the producers have not gone one day without regretting the choice to let you go."

She also sighed. "I guess. If only Jin hadn't been so shortsighted. Well, whatever happened, happened. We shouldn't worry about it. You and Rebecca did a great job getting me on Deliberations. It was a fantastic role. Anybody would've been good in it."

He smiled and hugged her again. "Oh, no, my love. Nobody would've been as good as you. You have to start thinking like a star and never sell yourself short." He kissed her cheek. "I won't allow it. You have an amazing talent, and everyone is starting to recognize it."

Anna nodded with a smile. Namjoon was the sweetest man she knew. She had to look forward not backward. It was time to move on with her life. If Myra Brecker was right, and he was planning on proposing to her, she would accept.


Seokjin stared at his phone. The online trade magazines had just uploaded the list of nominations for this year. He knew he'd been a longshot for Best Actor even though everyone had assured him that he had been beyond perfect in his role for Echoes of Youth. In any other year, he would've been on the list of nominees for Best Actor.

This year, Norma King weighed him down like an albatross tied around his neck. She had single-handedly ruined the movie and ruined his chance at recognition. And he couldn't even be angry with her because it was all his own doing. He had engineered his own destruction by asking for Anna to be removed from the movie so that Norma could take the part. He was beyond disgusted with himself at the way he threw his best friend under Norma's bus. He deserved the scorn and snide remarks being made about him online. He had laughed contemptuously at one he'd seen just yesterday: Kim Suck Jin--Not Even Sucking Norma's Dick Could Help Him This Time.

He deserved every insult. He let out a long sigh and kept scrolling through the lists. He paused at Anna's name. Annelise Kane, Deliberations. Best Supporting Actress nominee. His eyes focused on her name as his mind pictured her face. He recalled the horrible accusation he'd hurled at her. It just emphasized his stupidity. He'd had a hand in firing the only real talent from his movie and made it possible for her to shine elsewhere. And to outshine him. It's exactly what he deserved.

His eyes lingered on her name. He should've apologized to her. A real man would've apologized. He should have gotten on his knees at her feet and begged her forgiveness. She was the one person who had always believed in him, who had always supported him. She had never let him down as much as he'd let himself down. He didn't deserve to raise his eyes to her. Anna was lost to him, as lost as his self-respect.

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