Chapter Eleven

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     "There's hardly any biters here Bruce, we could just make this our home." Sammy says as we all sit inside the pharmacy which has been picked clean.

"We can't live where there aren't supplies." I say as I load my 9mm clip. "There being no biters here is what bothers me." I pop the clip into my Beretta and cock it. "It doesn't make sense." I look out the window, only seeing two biters.

"Jane and I will go and see what we can find." I tell them. "Keep looking in here, see if you can find anything... and stay on guard." Jane and I walk out the front door.

I aim my gun up and down the street, looking for people... people that aren't looking to make friends, but I see nobody, only three more biters. That only makes five.

"Let's check in here." I say, crossing the street diagonally, jogging over to the convenient store, hoping to find food.

I slowly push the glass door open, the bell above the door rings as I enter, gun drawn. The air is thick and the store is dimly lit. The only light coming from the windows in the front. There's a layer of thick dust on the floor; I can see several sets of footprints in the dust, but they aren't from feet that have been staggered or dragged. People have been through here, but I can't tell how long ago. All of the shelves in the store are empty and pushed off to the sides, all leaned against the walls, creating a clear path to the door in the back.

"Stay close." I say, slowly approaching the back door. As I reach for the knob Jane shrieks.


I spin around, holding my gun up.

"Don't... move." A hooded man says, his left arm wrapped around her neck while his right arm holds up a handgun. "Drop it." He calmly demands. Suddenly the door behind me opens, then I hear somebody cock a shotgun. I turn my head as my heart pumps a million miles per hour, two more men stand behind me in the doorway.

"Drop the gun!" The man with the shotgun demands from behind. I slowly lower my gun as my hands begin to shake, then I drop it.

"Where are the others?" The hooded man questions, maintaining a calm tone.

"We're alone... it's just the two of us." I reply, holding my hands up.

"Don't lie to me... we seen you drive into our town. Now if you lie to me one more time she will die... and that's a promise." The hooded man says. I can't see his face, it's too dark, but he seems to be perfectly calm.

"Now, I will ask you this once more and only once more... where are they?" He questions.

"Okay, I'll tell you. Just... promise me you won't hurt anybody." I say.

"We don't wish to hurt you, but if you make us we will not hesitate. We wish to help you, it will be advantageous for the both of us... I give you my word." He says. My heart only beats faster the longer I remain silent, a bead of sweat trickles down my forehead when he suddenly pulls his gun away from me and puts it against Jane's head.

"The pharmacy... they're at the pharmacy." I say as soon as his barrel touches her temple. "Take us to them, let me call me them out... or there will be blood spilled." I inform him.

"You're a good man, Bruce. You avoid a bloodbath when you can... I like that." He pushes Jane into my arms and steps aside, aiming his handgun at the both of us.

"After you." He says, gesturing us toward the door.

"Johnny! Sammy! Come out here!" I shout from the middle of the street, Jane still holding onto my arm. "Leave the guns!" The three of them walk up to the door and see the three hooded men with guns behind us. Johnny slowly walks out, then Sammy, then David.

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