Recon Mission at the Unknown World

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2 weeks later.

Saturday, 31st May, 2070. 

1230 hours

*While Axton and his fireteam are taking a break in the temporary US military base in Illinois, Chicago.*

*The 'Gate' has been covered by the by large cube as a dome except the Cloud Gate.*

(After the Battle of Illinois, the Sentinel and the US Military developed a large cube to cover the 'Gate'. It was a collaboration build.)

Temporary barracks

*The major comes in and Axton's fireteam stand up.*

Major: At ease, men. Private First Class Sean, I need you.

Sean: What is it, Major?

Major: We need you for the interrogation.

Sean: For who?

Major: The enemy you captured, you said that he looks like a general. His voices sound similar to Latin. So, I thought you could deal with him since you studied Latin.

Sean: That's right, sir.

Major: Follow me to the interroagtion room.

Sean: Yes, sir.

*Sean follows the Major to the interroagtion room.*

*Timeskip to 5 minutes later.*

1235 hours

*They arrived at the interrogation room, there are two guards.*

Major: Here is the enemy that you captured, Sean.

Sean: Ah, him. He's like a general. I can tell his uniform, similar to Roman Empire.

Major: Also, you're good at speaking Latin?

Sean: Yes sir!

Major: Get him to talk, use brute force if necessary. Just in case if it fails, we'll give him the truth serum.

Sean: Yes sir!

*Sean goes in the interroagation room to talk with the enemy general, the Major talks to Sean intercom.*

Major: You may began whenever you ready.

*Sean sit at the chair and begins to talk to the enemy general. The enemy general still have the despise-ness to Sean as his enemy. Sean is starting to interrogate the enemy by speaking Latin.*

(Forgive me that some of the Latin sentences may not be accurate in English. Because, I used to translate English to Latin. Not using Google Translate.) 

Sean: Itaque dic mihi, ubi venisti?

(Sean (English): So tell me, where do you come from?)

Enemy General: Et non dico vobis, barbarus!

(Enemy General (English): I will never tell you, barbarian!)

Sean: Quaeso, ne hoc magis mihi.

(Sean (English): Please, don't do this to me.)

Enemy General: Pedicabo te!

(Enemy General (English): Fuck you!)

*Sean decided to punch the enemy's face.*

Sean: Disputatio! 

(Sean (English): Talk!)

Enemy General: Quod tu es?

(Enemy General (English): What are you?)

Sean: Nomen?

(Sean (English): Name?)

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