Chapter 27

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After some G.G.O they play ALO

Sakura: Ahh!

Sinon: Look out!

Kirito: Starburst stream!

Sakura: Ahhh help!

Sinon: Sakura use your wings!

Sakura: They are not working!

Kirito: Sakura!

Sakura lands into the forest. A big forest.

Sinon: Sakura! Sakura say something!

Kirito: It is no use we are going to have to search for her in this chunk of trees.

Sinon: Is there anyway you can destroy these trees so then we can find her easily?

Kirito: No I don't think I can.

Sinon: Ok I guess we got to start searching. 

Sakura POV

Crap that starblast stem thingi blasted me away. Now what am I gonna do. I have a horrible sense of direction! Shino! Kirito!

Sakura they will never find me. I guess I will just walk arou-

*Someone pulls Sakura down onto the ground.*

Sakura: Ah-mmmhmhm!

Sinon POV

*Sinon hears Sakura.*

Sinon: Kirito! I hear her! It sounds like a scream or something... Coming from that direction!

Kirito: She must have been captured by a monster or something! 

Sinon: Or maybe a salamander! That is the direction to their territory!

Kirito: Lets go!

*Around the area where Sakura screamed.*

Sinon: You search this way I search that way!

Sakura POV

Sakura: Mhmhm- Ah Let Me GO!

Salamander: Chief said that the people with you killed him. So I've come to get you. 

Sakura: No never! *preforms a spell midway but the salamander stopped her.*

Salamander: No tricks! *He pushes her hands down to the dirt.

Salamander: Your pretty. Boss never said that I couldn't have fun with my prey. Hey how about this we stay here as we wait for the attack team to come and in the meantime, Lets have some fun.

Sakura: I want no fun with you. Besides in real life I-I-I am not pretty at all hehe.

Salamander: Your stuttering doesn't seem like it. 

*He drags his hand down her arms and leans down for a kiss.*

Kirito comes and kicks the Salamander off him. 

Sakura: Kirito.

Kirito: I thought some Salamander were nice. I guess not.

Salamander: My gosh boss wanted me to hunt down Kirito! He is out of his mind!

The Salamander runs away.

Sakura: Um a little help here please. The salamander pushed my arms a little too far down in the dirt I can't get them out. 

Kirito: Sure.

He kneels on top of her when his knee slips and he falls down onto her.

Kirito/Sakura: ah!- Ouch!

Sinon comes running.

Sinon: Glad I found you tw-

(From Sinon's point of view it looks like Kirito is hugging Sakura and trapped her in the dirt.)

Sinon: Kirito! You jerk. *She punches him and get him off of Sakura.* 

Sinon: Honestly try helping her arms be free not lay on her!

Kirito: I was!

Sinon: Why should I believe you?

Sakura: He did try to help me. *Her face turns red.* Then he slipped and fell...on me.

Sinon: Really. *Turns to Kirito* I am going to teach you a lesson later!

Kirito: what did I do!

*After ALO.*

Sakura: Bye thanks for the wonderful time.

Kazuto/Shino: Bye!

*A few days later in Shino's school.*

Sakura: SHINO!!!! 

Shino: Oh Sakura. What is it? 

Sakura: I got a...

Shino: A what?

Sakura: A boyfriend.


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