Extra 13

17 1 0

Suga: So lets do classroom A4 first.

*In the classroom.*

Suga: What is the first 20 digits of PI?

Shino: Um uh. Give me a second.

Shino: OK got it

Shino: 3.14159 *Takes a breath.* 265358979323846!

Computer: Correct you have 1 point in total.

Suga: Nice! Okay A9 next!

Kazuto POV

Asuna: Ok now this class.

Kazuto: What is the name of the student council president?

Asuna: Sakura must have made the question.

Kazuto: Easy, Sakura Hanabusa.

Computer: Correct you have 1 point in total.

Asuna: Score! *High five.*

Rika: POV

Silica: I swear I learned this already!

Rika: Shhhh. I hear Klein.

Silica: Hide!

*Klein comes in.*

Klein: I heard noise in here. Ok I'm not leaving until you come out.

Rika: Shhh.

Silica: Oh The Answer Was 3!

Rika: SHUT UP! Oops.

Klein: Found you!

Silica: Rikaaaa! 

Asuna POV

Asuna: Sounds like Silica and Rika got found.

Kazuto: Hey help me with this question.

Asuna: Just to be sure after we get this question right we get 2 points in total? 

Kazuto: Yup!

Asuna: Great

Kazuto: Got it!

Computer: You have 2 points in total. You are in the lead.

Asuna: Yes!

Silica POV

Rika: I can't believe we got found in just a few minutes.

Silica: And whose fault was it again?!

Rika: I'm sorry. But you shoulldn't have set me off!

Silica: What!

Rika: Remember, you shouted the answer.

Silica: Oh right I'm sorry.... But at least I-

Rika: Oh shut up! We made an apology. Now rock paper siccors. 

*20 minutes later*

Shino POV

Computer: You are now first with 5 points

Suga: On a roll. Now Sakura did the last challenge but I think we checked all of the classrooms.

Shino: I know where the last challenge is!

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